in Literatos2 months ago



Llegó de la calle llorando
han atropeyado a su perro
su nombre era Ronco
un animal hermoso
de un pelaje negro azabache
ese que un día le trajo supadre
desde muy lejos.

Un día de esos cumpleaños
donde la familia reune
sus más nobles sentimientos
y son como baños de bendiciones
en esos momentos
la niña esperaba impacientemente
a su querido padre
quien no estaba presente para el momento
su madre le decía que su padre
estaba comprando su regalo.

Rato después llega su padre
con él una caja que traía entre sus brazos
la niña no esperó a que su padre
entrara a casa cuando
le arrancó de sus brazos la caja
ella muy emocionada
luego de abrirla
lloró de alegría
por tener el mejor regalo
que haya recibido.

Un peludo y negro cachorro
al que le puso el nombre de Ronco
no paró toda la noche
no dejaba por nada al noble animal.

Pasó el tiempo y Ronco creció
tanto que paracía una enorme bola de pelo
el para ella era su único compañero
a quien hasta el día de su partida
amó mucho y lloró hasta el cansancio.

Desde allí la niña no quiso tener más perro
solo quedó en el recuerdo su amigo Ronco.



She came from the street crying
They ran over their dog
His name was Ronco
a beautiful animal
of jet black fur
the one that one day his father brought him
from very far away.

One of those birthdays
where the family gathers
your noblest feelings
and they are like baths of blessings
at those moments
the girl waited impatiently
to his dear father
who was not present at the time
her mother told her that her father
I was buying his gift.

A little later his father arrives
with him a box that she carried in her arms
the girl did not wait for her father
will come home when
He ripped the box from her arms.
she very excited
after opening it
she cried with joy
for having the best gift
that she has received.

A furry black puppy
to whom she named Ronco
it didn't stop all night
He did not leave the noble animal for anything.

Time passed and Ronco grew
so much so that he looked like a huge ball of hair
hers for her was her only companion
to whom until the day of his departure
She loved very much and cried until she was tired.

From there the girl did not want to have any more dog.
The only thing left in her memory was her friend Ronco.




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