[Esp-Eng] Entrada al Concurso de microrrelato de ciencia ficción de Literatos | Rescatando Mixuri/Entry to the Literatos Science Fiction Short Story Contest | Rescuing Mixuri

in Literatos2 years ago




Doammy un extraterrestre que habita en la tierra desde hace varios años, ya que su nave espacial se accidentó y no pudo reparar, pues solo le quedó adaptarse y vivir entre los terrícolas sin que estos se dieran cuenta, ya que tenía la capacidad de adaptarse a la fisonomía de los humanos.

Vivía en un pueblo pequeño con pocos habitantes, allí aprendió a trabajar la siembra cultivando en un huerto, que le permitía vender sus productos en el mercado y así generar ingresos y subsistir.

Lo que no sabía es que en su planeta lejano llamado Mixuri, su padre el Rey Maloni había fallecido y comenzaron una búsqueda exhaustiva del nuevo Rey, quien debía ser el heredero, pues de lo contrario el planeta iba a ser gobernado por su tío el malvado Xerox quien tenía planes maqueabelicos con todos los habitantes bebés, ya que los detestaba, y decía que son un estorbo.

Una noche cuando Doammy salió a la feria del pueblo junto a su mejor amigo Dylans , justo cuando se iban a montar en la rueda de la fortuna, observaron un gran platillo volador que alumbró todo el lugar. Los presentes se quedaron abismados por la gigantesca nave espacial, tanto así que se quedaron inmutados. En ese momento Doammy se dio cuenta que eran seres extraterrestres, lo que no sabía era si eran amigos o enemigos, por ello corrió a esconderse y luego poder averiguar que querían.

Al día siguiente en todo el pueblo se comentaba sobre lo sucedido, Doammy algo preocupado y tratando de ver cómo haría para saber quiénes eran los extraterrestres,pensó en ir esa noche solo al bosque y miró por mucho rato las estrellas cuando de pronto apareció de nuevo la nave, al bajar se dio cuenta que eran trabajadores de su padre , sintió una gran emoción y corrió a encontrarlos , los abrazo y les dijo:
🔹Gracias por encontrarme, pensé que nunca volvería a mi planeta.

Estos le explicaron lo que estaba sucediendo en su planeta, y decidió volver. Pero antes de subir a la nave llegaron muchas naves con guerreros armados y tomaron a Doammy y este no sepudo se defender.
El preocupado les dijo:
🔹¿Quiénes son ?
El que estaba al mando le dijo:
🔹Somos enviados por el rey Xerox.
🔹¿Como que el rey, si el verdadero rey soy yo.
🔹Pues la orden que tenemos es no dejar que regreses a tu planeta y eso es lo que haré.

Entonces lo encerraron en el sótano de una casa abandonada, y de esa manera no pueda volver. Estos se regresaron al planeta mintiendole a Xerox afirmando que habían matado a Doammy y este asumiría el reinado para hacer daño a las futuras generaciones, Doammy estaba preocupado porque su planeta desaparecería,no sabía cómo escapar.

Pero sin saber Dylans el mejor amigo de Doammy, lo siguió esa noche y se dio cuenta que su amigo era extraterrestres, algo que siempre sospecho, pero a él no le importaba. Así que lo libero, Doammy muy feliz que su amigo lo aceptará tal y como era. El lo llevó al sitio donde estaba su nave escondida y como Dylans le gustaba la mecánica lo ayudo a reparar la nave. Cuando estaba lista con mucha tristeza se despidió de su amigo, recordándole que podía visitarlo cuando quisiera.
Emprendió su vuelo y llego justo cuando coronarian a su tío el malvado Xerox, llego y grito:
🔹Alto el verdadero Rey soy yo, Doammy único heredero de el rey Maloni.

Toda la multitud lo aplaudió y este inmediatamente mando a arrestar a su tío y lo envío a un universo paralelo, donde no le haría daño a nadie más.

Fue coronado el nuevo rey del planeta Mixuri y comenzó a ayudar a todos sus habitantes. Desde la Tierra Dylans, siempre esperaba a su amigo, y veía un lucero que siempre parpadea y estaba seguro que era el planeta Mixuri y que su amigo estaba haciendo el bien.


Texto originalde @lina1976 . Imagen cortesía de Pixabay editada en el editor Photo Collage Maker.



Doammy an alien who has lived on earth for several years, since his spaceship crashed and could not be repaired, since he was only adapted and lived among the earthlings without them noticing, since he had the ability to adapt to the physiognomy of humans. He lived in a small town with few inhabitants, there he learned to work planting and cultivating an orchard, which allowed him to sell his products in the market and thus generate income and survive.

His father King Maloni had passed away and they began an exhaustive search for the new King, who should be the heir, because otherwise the planet was going to be ruled by his uncle the evil Xerox who had macheabel plans with all the baby inhabitants, since he hated them, and said they are a nuisance.

One night when Doammy went out to the town fair with his best friend Dylans, just as they were going to ride the Ferris wheel, they saw a large flying saucer that lit up the whole place. Those present were amazed by the gigantic spaceship, so much so that they remained unmoved. At that moment Doammy realized that they were extraterrestrial beings, what he didn't know was if they were friends or enemies, so he ran to hide and then find out what they wanted.

The next day the whole town talked about what had happened, Doammy was somewhat concerned and trying to see how he would find out who the aliens were, he thought of going to the forest that night alone and looked at the stars for a long time when suddenly he appeared again When he got off the ship, he realized that they were his father's workers, he felt a great emotion and ran to meet them, hugged them and told them:
🔹Thank you for finding me, I thought I would never return to my planet. These explained to him what was happening on his planet, and he decided to return. But before boarding the ship, many ships arrived with armed warriors and took Doammy and he could not defend himself.
The worried told them:
🔹 Who son? The one in charge said:
🔹We are sent by King Xerox. 🔹 Like the king, if the real king is me.
🔹 Well, the order we have doesn't let him return to your planet and that's what I'll do. So they locked him in the basement of an abandoned house, and that way he can't come back.

They returned to the planet lying to Xerox stating that they had killed Doammy and he would assume the reign to harm future generations, Doammy was worried that his planet would disappear, he did not know how to escape.

But not knowing Dylans Doammy's best friend, he followed him that night and realized that his friend was aliens, something he always suspected, but he didn't care. So I release him, Doammy very happy that his friend will accept him as he was.

He took him to the place where his hidden ship was and as Dylans liked the mechanics he helped him to repair the ship. When she was ready, she sadly said goodbye to her friend, reminding him that he could visit him whenever he wanted.
He began his flight and arrived just when the evil Xerox would crown his uncle, he arrived and shouted:
🔹 High the true King is me, Doammy sole heir to King Maloni.

The entire crowd applauded him and he immediately had his uncle arrested and sent to a parallel universe, where he wouldn't hurt anyone else.

The new king of the planet Mixuri was crowned and began to help all its inhabitants. From Dylans Land, he always waited for his friend, and he saw a star that always blinks and he was sure that it was the planet Mixuri and that his friend was doing good.


Original text by @lina1976 . Image courtesy of Pixabay edited in Photo Collage Maker editor.

