How hard it is to believe.

in Literatos3 years ago

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Que difícil es llegar a pensar que todo tiene un por qué, que lo que sucede hoy no sucede por casualidad, el café con el que desayunaste esta mañana te dio un cálido calor, te reconforto de la fría noche que sólo te hacía temblar, escuchaste una risa sonora con timidez, sí, allí está la risa, el ejemplo vivo de como un simple movimiento de músculos son dedicados a ti, hicieron el esfuerzo por sonreírte luego de reír junto a ti. Qué difícil es olvidar el tacto de la piel que te dio abrigo, como la suavidad de la misma te era tan conocida, tan cercana, que difícil es mirar a los lados y observar, notar que hay tantas historias por contar, tantas lágrimas que llorar y secar. Qué difícil es creer en el por qué que nadie te ha dicho, que nunca se ha pronunciado, pero está allí, y lo sabes porque aún quieres creer.

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How difficult it is to come to think that everything has a why, that what happens today does not happen by chance, the coffee with which you had breakfast this morning gave you a warmth, it comforted you from the cold night that only made you shiver, you heard a sonorous laughter with shyness, yes, there is laughter, the living example of how a simple movement of muscles are dedicated to you, they made the effort to smile at you after laughing with you. How hard it is to forget the touch of the skin that gave you shelter, how the softness of it was so familiar to you, so close, how hard it is to look to the sides and observe, to notice that there are so many stories to tell, so many tears to cry and dry. How hard it is to believe in the why that no one has ever told you, that has never been uttered, but it is there, and you know it because you still want to believe.

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