[ESP-ENG] Impactante Suceso de la vida real en Venezuela - Sangre en el Diván | Shocking Real Life Event in Venezuela - Blood on the Divan

in Literatos3 years ago

Hola familia de HIVE, hoy quiero compartir con ustedes un libro de la vida real, el cual me impactó mucho, sucedió en mi pais VENEZUELA. SANGRE EN EL DIVAN, el extraordinario caso del Dr. Enmundo chirinos.

Hello HIVE family, today I want to share with you a real life book, which impacted me a lot, it happened in my country VENEZUELA. BLOOD IN THE DIVAN, the extraordinary case of Dr. Enmundo Chirinos.


Ana Teresa Quintero, quien es madre de 2 jóvenes, Mariana y Roxana, vivian en Valle de la Pascua, estado Guarico, familia humilde, con la cual Ana Teresa sostenia a su familia vendiendo tizana y tortas, esta madre envió a sus hijas a la capital de Venezuela con la única intensión de que siguieran estudiando su carrera universitaria, ya que decia que todo sacrificio por sus hijas valia la pena.

Roxana cursaba el octavo semestre de periodismo en la Universidad Santa Rosa, y solo contaba con 19 años de edad, Mariana su hermana mayor estaba a punto de graduarse en Ciencias Audiovisuales y Fotografía, en el Instituto Universitario de Tecnología.

La madre de estas jóvenes sufria de depresión después de haber tenido dos partos, habia sido paciente del Dr. Chirinos, y con temor de que su hija Roxana padeciera lo mismo que ella, ya que atentaba contra su vida y se mutilaba decidió llevarla con el Dr Chirinos. La mujer deseperada al leer una carta de su hija donde decia que se sentia frustrada, triste, que tenia un vacío y que lo único que queria era desaparecer, Roxana le habia prometido a su madre no volver a atentar contra su vida, pero a la vez no podia cumplirlo porque le gustaba ver correr la sangre por sus brazos.

La amargura de Roxana era su sobrepeso, no se sentia a gusto con su cuerpo, pesaba 85 kilos, y media 1.60 de estatura, tenía un amor platónico llamado Mariano quien estudiaba con su hermana mayor pero éste solo la queria como una amiga, le aconsejaba que no intentara suicidarse más, pero ella le repetia que la gente le decia que la queria cuando solo eran palabras, decia que era una porqueria, que se sentia sola, y que por eso no queria seguir viviendo.

Ana Teresa decide llevar a su hija con el Dr Chirinos, quien de inmediato le diagnosticó esquizofrenia, pero a su hermana mayor ese diagnostico no la convencia, en la primera consulta a la que asiste Roxana duró 5 horas y al salir del consultorio, salió mareada, y sangrando por la vagina, el Dr le hacia curas de Sueño, pero cuando ella despertaba, veía como este hombre se bajaba los pantalones y le colocaba su miembro en la boca para que le hiciera sexo oral, cuando la joven despierta el Dr inmediatamente le dice que el medicamente confundia la mente de las personas.

Nadie sabia lo que ocurria en ese consultorio excepto el Dr y sus pacientes, Roxana le pide a la madre pasar por la farmacia para comprar toallas sanitarias porque le habia bajado la regla, la madre al ver que al dia siguiente se le detuvo el sangrado pensó que eran los efectos del medicameno. Las veces que Ana Teresa llevaba a su hija con el Dr se daba cuenta que salia triste y apagada, Roxana tenia una amiga a la que le contaba todo lo que Edmundo le hacia y ésta le dice a la madre de Rosxana que no la lleve mas con ese Dr porque le estaba haciendo daño y le decia a Roxana que le contara a su mamá, es alli cuando la madre decide llevarla con una ginecológa quien le dijo que su hija tenia fisuras en el intoitro vaginal e inflamación de la vulva, Ana Teresa agarra a su hija, sus maletas y se devuelven a Valle de la Pascua de donde eran oriundas.

Habia en Valle de la pascua un psiquiatra llamado Pan-Dávila quien atendió a Roxana durante 4 meses y decia que la joven ya estaba mejor que solo era bipolar.Los vecinos de Ana Teresa decian que Roxana estaba enamorada, ya que le decia a su madre que el Dr Chirinos la trataba muy bien y que se sentia a gusto con él. Cuando chirinos se entera que habia vuelto a valle de la pascua se comunica con la joven y la convence de volver a su consulta a lo que la muchacha accedió. Luego de unos dias Roxana le cuenta a su madre que habia empezado una relación con este hombre a lo que la madre la apoyó, este Dr tenia mas de 70 años de edad y le hace creer a Roxana que la ama.

La joven le habia contado a todos sus compañeros de su relación con Edmundo pero éste no sabia, inlcuso habia escrito un diario relatando todo lo que este hombre le hacia. Las mujeres que fueron abusadas por este Dr en su consultorio nunca pudieron denunciarlo por que él las amenazaba dicendoles que tenia un cargo muy importante dentro del gobierno y que era el psiquiatra de para aquel entonces presidente de VENEZUELA, HUGO RAFAEL CHAVEZ FRIAS, con eso las intimidaba y ellas callaban.

Roxana se sentia ultrajada, violada, maltratada por este hombre y le decia por venganza que iba a acabar con su carrera porque se dió cuenta que solo la usaba para satisfacer sus deseos y sin embargo ella se habia enamorado de él, siendo psiquiatra en algunos casos perdia el control y la paciencia con ella, cosa que Roxana no entendia porque él era Dr, Roxana lo amenaza con contarlo todo y desemascaralo a lo que el doctor se vió intimidado, y quiso hacer con esta joven lo mismo que con las otras mujeres, la quiso amenazar de la misma manera pero Roxana no se dejo y siguió firme, pero ya tenía un haz sobre la manga. En el último dia de su muerte el Dr la llama y la cita a su consultorio y de alli mas nadie supo de ella.

El cuerpo de Roxana fue encontrado por unos trabajadores en un basurero de una carretera en estado de putrefacción ubicado en la autopista Petare- Guarenas, inmediatamente se movilizó el CICPC y los médicos forenses, su cuerpo yacía en el asfalto, sobresaliendo entre escombros, esta noticia conmovió mucho al país ya que era un Doctor importante, y psiquiara del presidente. Ya la madre estaba agotada y sin fuerzas de tanto buscar a su hija hasta que recibe una llamada de los detectives de la policia en lo cual le dicen que habia llegado a la morgue el cuerpo de una mujer y que necesitaban que fuera a reconocerlo, pero ese cuerpo que estaba en ese lugar era el de Roxana.

El Dr Edmundo Chirinos la había asesinado golpenado su cabeza contra el Diván de su consultorio por lo que le ocasionó un leve sangrado. Gracias a un zarcillo encontrado en ese lugar y al diario que Roxana habia escrito se pudo detener a dicho Dr, Edmundo chirinos fue condenado a 20 años de prisión, pero mientras estuvo en el juzgado no se le notó ningún tipo de remordimiento, y creia que con tener los mejores abogados del gobierno iba a salir en libertad.

La madre de la joven decia que su hija habia sido un ángel enviado por Dios para desemascarar a ese hombre, ya que en nungún momento sintió temor de seguir adelante.Cuando la madre escucha la condena sus palabras fueron, Gracias Dios mio entre lágrimas, se hizo justicia, por fin voy a vivir en paz.

Ana Teresa Quintero, mother of 2 young women, Mariana and Roxana, lived in Valle de la Pascua, Guarico state, a humble family, with which Ana Teresa supported her family by selling tizana and cakes, this mother sent her daughters to the capital of Venezuela with the only intention that they continue studying their university career, since she said that every sacrifice for her daughters was worth it.

Roxana was in her eighth semester of journalism at Santa Rosa University, and was only 19 years old. Mariana, her older sister, was about to graduate in Audiovisual Sciences and Photography at the University Institute of Technology.

The mother of these young women suffered from depression after having had two childbirths, she had been a patient of Dr. Chirinos, and fearing that her daughter Roxana would suffer the same as she did, since she would attempt against her life and mutilate herself, she decided to take her to Dr. Chirinos. The desperate woman read a letter from her daughter where she said that she felt frustrated, sad, that she had an emptiness and that the only thing she wanted was to disappear, Roxana had promised her mother not to attempt against her life again, but at the same time she could not fulfill it because she liked to see the blood running down her arms.

Roxana's bitterness was her overweight, she did not feel comfortable with her body, she weighed 85 kilos, and was 1.60 meters tall, she had a platonic love called Mariano who studied with her older sister but he only loved her as a friend, he advised her not to try to commit suicide anymore, but she repeated that people told her they loved her when they were only words, he said she was a piece of shit, that she felt alone, and that's why she did not want to continue living.

Ana Teresa decided to take her daughter to Dr. Chirinos, who immediately diagnosed her with schizophrenia, but her older sister was not convinced by this diagnosis, in the first consultation that Roxana attended, she lasted 5 hours and when she left the office, she came out dizzy and bleeding from the vagina, The doctor gave her sleep cures, but when she woke up, she saw how this man pulled down his pants and put his member in her mouth to give her oral sex, when the young woman woke up the doctor immediately told her that the medicine was confusing people's minds.

No one knew what was going on in that office except the doctor and his patients, Roxana asked her mother to go to the pharmacy to buy sanitary pads because her period had stopped, the mother saw that the next day the bleeding stopped and thought it was the effects of the medicine. The times that Ana Teresa took her daughter to the doctor she noticed that she came out sad and dull, Roxana had a friend to whom she told everything that Edmundo did to her and she told Rosxana's mother not to take her to the doctor anymore because he was hurting her and she told Roxana to tell her mother, It is there when the mother decides to take her to a gynecologist who told her that her daughter had fissures in the vaginal intoitro and inflammation of the vulva, Ana Teresa takes her daughter, her suitcases and they return to Valle de la Pascua where they were from.

There was a psychiatrist in Valle de la Pascua called Pan-Dávila who treated Roxana for 4 months and said that the young woman was already better, that she was only bipolar, Ana Teresa's neighbors said that Roxana was in love, since she told her mother that Dr. Chirinos treated her very well and that she felt comfortable with him. When Chirinos found out that she had returned to Valle de la Pascua, he contacted the young woman and convinced her to return to his office, to which the girl agreed. After a few days Roxana told her mother that she had started a relationship with this man, to which her mother supported her. This doctor was over 70 years old and made Roxana believe that he loved her.

But he did not know, she had even written a diary telling everything that this man did to her. The women who were abused by this doctor in his The young woman had told all her classmates about her relationship with Edmundooffice could never denounce him because he threatened them by telling them that he had a very important position in the government and that he was the psychiatrist of the then president of VENEZUELA, HUGO RAFAEL CHAVEZ FRIAS, with that he intimidated them and they kept quiet.

Roxana felt outraged, violated, mistreated by this man and told him out of revenge that he was going to end his career because she realized that he only used her to satisfy his desires and yet she had fallen in love with him, being a psychiatrist in some cases he lost control and patience with her, Roxana threatened to tell him everything and to unmask him, to which the doctor was intimidated, and wanted to do with this young woman the same as with the other women, he wanted to threaten her in the same way but Roxana did not let him and remained firm, but he already had a beam on his sleeve. On the last day of her death, the doctor called her and made an appointment with her in his office and from then on nobody heard from her.

Roxana's body was found by some workers in a garbage dump on a highway in a state of putrefaction located on the Petare-Guarenas highway, immediately the CICPC and the forensic doctors were mobilized, her body lay on the asphalt, protruding among debris, this news moved the country very much since she was an important Doctor, and psychiatrist of the president. The mother was already exhausted and without strength from searching for her daughter until she received a call from the police detectives in which they told her that the body of a woman had arrived at the morgue and that they needed her to go to recognize it, but the body that was in that place was Roxana's body.

Dr. Edmundo Chirinos had killed her by hitting her head against the Divan of his office causing a slight bleeding. Thanks to a tendril found in that place and to the diary that Roxana had written, Dr. Chirinos was sentenced to 20 years in prison, but while he was in court he did not show any remorse, and he believed that with the best lawyers of the government he would go free.

The mother of the young woman said that her daughter had been an angel sent by God to unmask this man, because at no time did she feel afraid to go forward, when the mother heard the sentence her words were, "Thank you God in tears, justice was done, I will finally live in peace".

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Espero que esta historia de la vida real les haya gustado.

I hope you liked this real life story.

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Todas las fotos son de mi Autoría.

Autor del Libro: Ybeyice Pacheco.

All photos are by me.

Author of the book: Ybeyice Pacheco

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es- literatos (58), muchas gracias por tu voto.

Esta es una historia impactante, fue uno de los primeros libros que leí, bastante informativo y muy bien estructurado. Me agradó tu post, buen resumen. 👍

Hola mariart1(62), que bueno que te haya gustado, a mi me impactó mucho desde el primer momento que lo leí. Muchas gracias.