DareToThink (DTT) coin now available on Hive.Engine blockchain!

in Dare To Think2 years ago (edited)

The #DareToThink campaign is happy to announce the creation of a brand new coin to start collecting and earning!

There will be manual curation awards set up for those that post articles in the Dare To Think Community or use some of the dare to think common hash tags.


If you would like support this community go and pick up a few coins that are available! They are cheap at the moment, its always good to get in early!


What is the purpose of the community? Same as POB and VYB?

The purpose of the campaign is to get more people comfortable talking about non popular opinions and understanding the hidden narratives behind the mass mind control.

I think it will become an off shoot of deepdives and proofofbrain. Really want people to start mentioning things that are more fringe and daring!

Should be fun! 🥳