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RE: Stop living in denial, accept the truth and let the healing begin.

in Dare To Think2 years ago (edited)

No pathogenic virus organisms from any animal, plant or human exist in the way that the mainstream narratives claim they exist. Adenovirus from monkeys is not a thing.. What an adenovirus vector is, is the cell culture of monkey cells.

So when virologists do a cell culture they do not and cannot separate a single virus from it so they use the entire cell culture which in order to claim that a virus is inside the cell culture the cell culture must be destroyed first.

They do this by poisoning and starving the cells of nutrients which causes a cytopathic effect..

The way cytopathic breakdown occurs is known as a process called programmed cell death or apoptosis.

Cells don't just degrade once poisoned or starved the cell recognizes that it is no longer adequate and actually destroys itself and in this process it creates, collects and releases nano sized particles containing cellular breakdown waste and cellular genetic information of the cell like what it was that poisoned the cell or why the cell was programed to die.

Molecular Biologists have understood this process for many years and so when they talk about packets of information such as mRNA containing exosomes this is one way in which mRNA is created.

The scientific community know this so they also wanted to copy these natural body functions so they now create synthetic genetically engineered mRNA and modify it to send synthetic signals through the body..

This is called biomimicry. It's part of Biomolecular engineering technology to manipulate lipids and nucleic acids to try and create new gene delivery techniques.

So naturally exosomes are produced by dying cells for multiple reasons.. A dying cell will communicate in the body to other body parts and to the brain of the human or animal and these signals are how we adapt and learn to survive and react to our environment etc.. using biomimicry technologies they can copy these natural exosomes and create synthetic lipid nanoparticles that mimic exosome function to cause the body to react how they want the body to react but this is not an exact science and the body will attack these lipids nanoparticles and the cells that have been affected by them

In reality when you inject a vaccine in your body you are infecting your body with a poison which then the body responds to push that poison out and sadly any cells that were infected with the vaccine poison will get destroyed and pushed out the body but due to it being injected it causes a whole lot of confusion and this is very similar to when you get bit by a snake. Vaccines are not medicines they are not healthy things. They are made with toxic animals guts and dying animals tissues and then incubated in large quantities usually with immortalised cancer cells that grow out of control to produce the toxic poison.

Virologists have hijacked molecular biology and looks at exosome function and assumes these things are highly contagious deadly viruses that fly around and multiply and explode cells to purposely cause suffering and death..

There are no virus organisms that function this way. It's a misconception of natural biological processes within the living organism..

The living organism is constantly destroying its own cells for many reasons and it also has natural cell regeneration abilities.

Vaccines are made to prevent natural detox pathways and processes which leads to higher toxicity levels in the body and forces the body to push the toxins out through other pathways which can cause more dis-ease and discomfort.

When you hurt after taking a vaccine is because your body has been forced to block your natural route of detox and find new ones and this hurts and causes lasting damage which can lead to chronic inflammation or pain and cause a person to be diagnosed with autoimmune disorders or physical distress.

One other thing about vaccines is they are all a form of gene therapy drugs the word therapy does not mean good btw. Gene therapy is very dangerous and has high risks of causing genetic problems instead of solving a problem.

Also read the text and watch the video below.

Virology and Virus Hoaxes Briefly

SARS CoV-2, monkeypox virus or any other virus has never been isolated and proven to exist even though many studies and articles claim the opposite.

All the genomes of the alleged disease causing viruses are artificially fabricated from short sequences from CELL CULTURES that contain genetic material from many different sources. By using computer programs those short sequences are assembled into theoretical genomes of an imaginary virus that does not exist in reality.

Molecular biologist Dr. Stefan Lanka conducted many cell culture control experiments on April 21, 2021. The breakdown of cells is caused by the procedures in which virologists use (starvation and poisoning of the cells) but not any assumed virus.

Electron microscopy images that virologists claim show viruses are taken from starved and poisoned cell cultures and show only the breakdown products of cells and artifacts created by the procedures but not any whole viruses. Virology is an anti-scientific science.

No virus (including HIV, ebola virus, measles virus, influenza virus etc) has ever been isolated directly from human, animal, plant or their fluids.

None of the so-called virus tests actually test for any virus. Something that does not exist cannot be tested for any way! All virus tests are completely meaningless. Human genome contains 90 sequences that match completely with the PCR primer sequences used to test the alleged SARS CoV-2. Also the antibody tests are meaningless because they are nonspecific as in many things can test positive such as fanta soda or motor oil there is no gold standard test because there is no real virus to test for anyway.

All the aforementioned facts point out that all the virus-related infection and mortality statistics are false. No disease or symptom is caused by a virus because viruses do not exist. There are no virus infections nor coronavirus disease (Covid-19).

Virology is a complete fraud.