in Politics4 years ago (edited)

I can't wait until the USA elections are over. I am sickened by the division in our country. We are better than what is reported, we are good people, at least the vast majority. The lies, the disortions of facts, is unforgivable. I plead for our nation to
unify, to accept that we are all different yet unified as Americans.

Our country was built by people who came from other places. Whether they wanted to come here or not.


This is fact.

All through our history, injustice has stained our country, this is painful to watch, yet I keep the hope that the USA will right it's ship. Take responsibility, and make things right. To uplift the mantel of morality, stop praising the cheaters as if this was what we are made of...

We are better than that, the vast majority of Americans are hard working and productive individuals. We care!

We are honest with our friends and neighbors, are helpful in times of stress and unite when things go bad.

Think about 911...all Americans united against a commom enemy.
We never hesitated to unite, console, or fight together as a country.

Please tell me what has happned to the soul of our Great Country?

We must do better.

We are so privliged and strong as a nation, do not give in or give up. WE are the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, let's lead the world to a better place of peace and prosperity.

Love one another, as you love yourself.

Maybe that's the problem...

We don't love ourselves enough.

Only those that love themselves can love others.

We need to change, stop being so selfish, and open our hearts to real change.

Peace can only be real when we accept others as brothers and sisters.


Hug someone, smile, love thy neighbor as thy self.

Even the cruel and ignorant, they to have their story.

Be kind...


The media's job is just to divide people and keep them fighting. Millions know it yet they continue to tune into them and give them their attention. It's only going to stop when we stop allowing it to continue, I think.

We are all more alike then we think we are, some realize that now which is great!

Agree...we are more alike than we think.
The more I ignore the media, the better I feel.

That's great, ignore the hate that comes out of them! I stopped watching them during the Obama years and haven't looked back at all.