
Hi @slaccumsleener, well, first of all I'm delighted to know you're alive and active again!

If we hadn't lost @slayer3382 this week due to passivity, we would have lost you. For everyone, I want to remind you right away that everyone is welcome to re-join. Unfortunately, the scores in our table will be set to zero. Because that's what Splinterlands does. (While for @slayer3382 there wasn't anything as they never even contributed a single GP. And I reached in to them a lot of times in chat and in reports.) While I'm not going to start double-entry bookkeeping, even if I would be happy for previous contributions to remain. Interestingly enough there's some references from time to time for those players who actually re-join and who do not use what is happening as an excuse to keep going.

If you want to reach out, give me some options, please. The easiest is Discord, as you'll find me there. You may even reach out via Hive encrypted memo for some other options you may not want to share publicly. Encrypted memo means to send a minimum of Hive with a memo starting with #

Give it a try, it's fun to explore!
