Spotted A Sloth This Morning

in slothbuzz8 months ago

I spotted a sloth this morning !

Not a real one, it was a stuffed sloth in a Christmassy shop window in Farnham. But he looked very cute sitting in his little armchair staring out at the passers by, and the shop had done a beautiful job on their window dressing. 😀


It was bitterly cold (and far earlier in the morning than I'd normally be up and about !) so the window had quite a bit of frozen condensation, but I reckon that just made it more festive.

The shop was a gift shop by the name of Vinegar Hill - next time I'm in Farnham I'll have to pop in, it looks like they've got all kinds of interesting knick-knacks in there. But this time round I was in a bit of a rush, so only got time to take a quick snap before carrying on.

Happy Sloth-Saturday, everyone !


That's a really nice display there. It's nice to see some shop windows doing things like that. You're right, the frost on the glass helps the Christmas vibe haha

Yeah, it's really cold over here in Ireland too, woke up this morning and there was frost on the cars and grass, it was around even up to the afternoon.


You must be killin' it out here!
@killerwot just slapped you with 1.000 PIMP, @alonicus.
You earned 1.000 PIMP for the strong hand.
They're getting a workout and slapped 1/1 possible people today.


Read about some PIMP Shit or Look for the PIMP District

Thanks ! Farnham is a nice town, full of shops selling pretty but useless things 😀 But it's kept it's character, which is nice when so many other towns are just clones of each other.

I'm actually hoping for a really cold winter this year. I love the snow, and would rather have a short, sharp winter than a damp one that just drags. Plus if we get a good cold snap at some point, it kills off all the germs and gives us a good strawberry harvest the next year.

WOW awesome spot! Seems the sloths are slowly taking over the world! Thanks for sharing!