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RE: My Top five (5) books of 2020

in Hive Book Club3 years ago

Well, these look like some genuinely good options to read. I remember I read a lot of books in the second half of 2020. But I mostly read fiction because that's what I like to write. Also a metric ton of poetry because I'm a sucker for poetic speech. A good thing of finding this post is getting onto that community too. So, thanks for the witty, fine and short reviews of the books.


Thank you for stopping by with your Amazing word construction 😊

You should definitely look into the community, a contest is currently on going here. You can review one of thd fine books you read last year for the contest.

Fiction is a great way to go, I'd like you to tell me the best fiction you've read so i can add to my list. :)

Ha, ha, ha. My pleasure. Your book reviews were on spot and the books themselves look amazing.

I already got my review done for the contest.

Fiction is a great way to go, I'd like you to tell me the best fiction you've read so i can add to my list. :)

This is tough, you know. I think it would depend on what genre you like.

For fiction, i want anything.😁

Hmm... The why not try some classics of sci-fi like Martian Chronicles and Asimov's Robots Stories.

I like the robot series.

Thank you