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RE: The Characters and Art of Their Majesties' Pleasure Interactive Fiction Game

in Hive Book Clublast year

So. I'm pretty excited to see what you have going now. A major undertaking, no doubt.

Just to be clear: I'm not letting you off the hook with Peralta. Waiting, if not so patiently :)


Thank you! Yes, a major undertaking by a long shot. And I have so many writing projects on the go. If only I could wave a magic wand and the words would organize themselves into an already completed series. Or series of series...

If you could wave a magic wand it'd be Chat GPT. Your writing isn't.

Very good point. I wouldn't touch that sh*t. The creative process (and integrity) is too important to me. 💖

I knew that. Otherwise I'd have never mentioned it :)

Yes. And I appreciate that so much!