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RE: Inspiring Bible Stories of Heroism For Young People

I love your question at the end:

Anyway, how about you? Do you prefer to read stories from the Bible directly or have you read books like this too? If you have any similar suggestions, feel free to share!

It would require an entire blog post to answer that. I like the book you describe here - bring on the action figures to go with the heroes! I'll have a Goliath and a shepherd-boy David, thanks! When "Prince of Egypt" hit the big screen, I bought a Moses doll and one of his wife (I think), Barbie sized.
Why don't we have Jesus dolls with the apostles and saints?
Think of the martyrs - or not. Kids. Toys. No need for the really scary stuff.
Samson. Delilah. They've been in "graphic novels" (comic books).
Thanks for an interesting book review!


Oh, haha, feel free to make an entire post? 😄 Hey good idea too. There should be dolls/plushies of Bible characters for kids. ❤️

I love Prince of Egypt. One of the best animated movies ever. And the music is just wow, so beautiful and inspiring.

Btw, Samson & Delilah is in that book as well. 😁 !LUV