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RE: The Poetry of Emily Dickinson

in Hive Book Club5 months ago

I was thinking you might like a book I bought for a friend, an ebook of poems,
No Matter How Dark the Stain: Poems and Inspiration for the Woman in Pain
by Andrea L. Wehlann,

The friend I bought it for DID NOT like it... even though she's a trauma victim (severe PTSD from child abuse)... or maybe it was too close to home for her? Or because she finds healing can NOT happen in an instant, nor even after many years of therapy and meds and effort.

Healing can happen in an instant. Opening this book is like opening your awareness. It’s the first step in the direction of love, of listening to your heart.

You are not defined by what happened to you. You are what you do in this moment.

No Matter how Dark the Stain acknowledges the innocence of the heart and child within us all. .... it meets people in their darkest space and gives a breath of life to the pain and feelings that haunt us and keep bad patterns recurring. It offers a light, it sends love and comfort, affirmations, and strength to keep pushing through pain and through that door, which is within, revealing the love and light of awareness and expanding the mind and heart to new possibilities beyond the painful experiences.

♥ Where there is light, there can be no darkness. Love is like a switch that heals our darkness. ♥

“You are not alone. You can do this—as I have. You’re a star. It’s never too late to shine.

Thank you for taking this journey to the light with me.” —Andrea


Thank you for the recommendation! I have a long bucketlist of books to read, I will be sure to include this one on it as well. :)