Book Review: A Novel "Special Delivery"

in Hive Book Club7 months ago

At fifty-nine, Jack Watson is hardened to the idea of love. The death of his true love followed by a messy divorce led him to lead the ultimate bachelor's life. Written about in society pages and despite his reputation, he never had trouble finding a date. It didn't hurt that he owned one of the most successful women's boutiques in Beverly Hills.

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Amanda Robbins is a successful actress who has already claimed an academy award before she met Matthew Kingston who she falls in love with and eventually marries. Amanda gives up her acting career to be a devoted wife and mother of two children–Jan and Louise. Amanda's husband wasn't interested in a working wife and Amanda was happy to oblige, until his sudden death at the tennis pitch from a heart attack. Amanda's life drastically became dull because she never went out, she never put make-up on, and she just wore her mourning clothes. With the center of her life (Matthew) suddenly gone, Amanda falls into despair and depression.

Jack and Amanda didn't travel in the same social circle. However, the marriage of their children, Paul and Jan creates an undeniable connection. In the past, while Jack and Amanda were cordial with one another, they didn't go out of their way to spend much time together. One day, Jack offers to take Amanda to one of Jack's infamous parties. Amanda surprises herself and Jan when she accepts and has a great time. This sparks a new beginning as Amanda and Jack begin to spend more time together. This new relationship helps Amanda heal from the loss of her husband and causes Jack to realize that life isn't as fulfilling when alone. The time Amanda spends with Jack, she realizes he is a fun, smart, loving, and lovely person, not the bad person she has thought of him as.

Jan and Paul are unable to get pregnant and this bothers Jan so much. Amanda and Jack also get involved as they confront both their children.
***One thing I love here is the fact that, despite the infertility, they remain glued to each other hoping to have children one day. There is a strong bond in love. ***

Amanda and Jack's love becomes so deep that they couldn't do without each other's company. Amanda and Jack make a baby and decide to let their children — Julie, Paul, Louise, and Jan— know about it during a family dinner. Paul and Jan immediately react because they think Jack and Amanda intentionally said it to make them feel the absence of a baby in their marriage. Amanda cries profusely after the departure of their children from the house because she never wants her children to feel bad about anything.

Another fact that I can draw from this book is the fact that Amanda does not want her family to be torn apart. This was why she did what she did.

Amanda then decides to give the baby to Jan and Paul after birthing him. Amanda and Jack later let Jan and Paul know about their decision. Jan and Paul are happy about this and they become very close to their parents. A few months after the delivery of the baby, while Jack and Amanda are on vacation, Jan and Paul break the good news about their pregnancy to their parents. Amanda and Jack are very happy. Jack hugs and kisses Jan in congratulations to her.

In the seventh month of Amanda's pregnancy, Jack tells her about his plans of getting married to her. Amanda was reluctant at first but after much consideration, she agreed to get married to Jack. Eight months heavily pregnant, Jack finds a wedding gown for Amanda and calls Jan and Louise to come pick up their dresses at Julie's. Immediately after the wedding, Amanda feels very weak, with a backache. She goes home with Jack but does not tell him about it. She goes to have her bath and the backache reduces.

At about 2a.m, she wakes up and feels an excruciating pain. She is in labor. She isn't able to give birth normally because she is already fifty-one and the baby is very big. At long last, she gives birth to a baby boy but is too weak to carry him, so Jack carries him for her. Jack, Louise, Jan, and Paul are present and are very happy for her.

This was a happy ending book. There is power in unity and this is what we all need to paddle throughout life.


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