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RE: The Tantalizing Books of Sarah J Maas

in Hive Book Club2 years ago

Yes!! Put a writing update soon! I look forward to it.

I'm so happy you found Sarah Maas! Any writer that can inspire you and pull you out of a funk is worthy in my world. It doesnt matter what anyone else thinks. Sometimes I will find someone that I just can't put down. I get it. There are days I read trash, and I must need it because it reads easy. And puts a smile on my face. My tastes are eclectic. Most dsys I'm above that, but, no promises.

Right now Im reading "Where the Crawfads Sing" by Delia Owens. It is a murder mystery which really isnt my thing, but the prejudice and intolerance of the time pulled me in. Itchas two diffrrent timelines that crossover and connect. I cant stop now. There are more. :)

I'm delighted to see a post from you! I sometimes think people take themselves too seriously. Glad you took that off Twitter. You werent wrong, but people can become anal over nothing. :)

Love to you and all your boys! ❤️


Hi!!! Your comments always feel like a warm hug. I'm glad you're reading a book that has captivated you. And I don't think any book that makes you happy is trash. It's worthwhile if you enjoy the read, no matter the genre, and that's all there is to it. 😉

I must do a writing update. Maybe I'll start that now. I've been BUSY!

Love right back! ❤️

You must do the writing update, yes! I know you have been busy, but, that is a good thing for you. :)

Your excitement is infectious!!

Everyone gets a book in their Christmas box. It has always been that way. :)