#CrapGotPublished - Knitting With Dog Hair

in Hive Book Club28 days ago

Every week I present a new book, that is in my opinion crap that somebody has published... The event runs under the hastags 🙈 #RandomThingsTuesday #CrapGotPublished

The next book of this series is the one with the lovely title:

"Knitting With Dog Hair"
If the main title is already shocking you, than wait for the second title...
"Better a Sweater from a Dog You Know and Love Than from a Sheep You'll Never Meet" 😱

crap - knitting dog hair.jpg

Well it seams some people have very special hobbies 😂
In fact this book really explains you the whole inhouse production process.
It starts with how to collect, clean and of course store your dogs hair, because dependend on the dogs size and amount of hair it could take a while till you gather enough for a pullover...
And finally there are detailled descriptions on how to spin yarn and knit clothes with the dog hair.

I can really imagine the conversation on the next home-party.

A: Hey, wow your sweater looks cool, is it from D&G?
B: No, I knitted it myself... out of my dogs hair...
... definetely a conversation starter... 😂

If you have a dog and are already motivated, here is the link to the amazon page 😉
Have fun and see you next week with my presentation of a shocking new crap book! 👍
