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RE: A First Impression to Anthem by Ayn Rand

in Hive Book Club2 years ago

Ayn rand is mother to a lot of libertarian and post-modern ideas, her Atlas Shrugged book changed my world view as a child, yeah, CHILD. My older brothers were... Weird, and they thought that giving hardcore philosophy to a child was a good idea, of course I'm a functional autism, so my capabilities on abstract thinking are slightly different from most, and at the tender age of 10 I had already the capability to handle Nietzsche but damm, Ayn Rand is hardcore stuff. I think that children can take wharever you teach them as long as you properly prepare them to digest it


Children is the prime age and stage to lay some foundations. Ayn Rand is a bit hardcore for them the but actually a good read to face life realities later on. As a child, we are often hearing fairy tales and that life feels easy hence not preparing us for troubles/challenges. Exposing children to such book with at least help them think and act when they face with some life challenges. Good on you having that exposure of books early in life!

It was hard to learn and evolve with it, it was a hardcore influence at some points, big hug, see you around xD gonna write today's post :)