Light Bringer by Pierce Brown

in Hive Book Club5 months ago


Where I found it

A friend recommended Red Rising with 2 other books to me. It was funny because the others were older books, like A Tale of 2 Cities based on the French revolution and The Black Count which is also based on the French revolution. I listened to those other 2 before getting to Red Rising. I thought Red Rising got off to a slow start and I was frustrated to see that it was part of an ongoing series. Red Rising did pick up and I would give all 3 of those books 5 star reviews. This book is the 6th in the Red Rising series.

Here's links if you want to pick up the other 2


Darrow has a brief respite for recovery before he gets pulled back in. Baited to try rescuing a friend. Of course it's a trap. In the meantime the core society mounts an invasion of Mars against the Republic. Lysander worked hard to get the help of the moon lords and while they're at it the moons get obliterated by Volsung Fa with his Obsidian kingdom.

Favorite lines

"Forgetting is essential to learning just as exhaling is essential to breathing"

"I just think you're a good man and you have a huge heart and I don't think people say that enough"

Favorite parts

I don't want to give away too much in spoilers, but I love when a writer is willing to kill off main characters. This book has some big ones and some potent pivots and betrayals.

Rating 5/5 stars


Light Bringer is action packed early and often. This one is easily five stars and in spite of that probably just my 3rd favorite in the series. The best is probably Red Rising with Dark Age being a close second. This book cannot be the conclusion of the series as there are still loads of cliffhangers. I can't wait for more.

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