The Great Gatsby by F Scott Fitzgerald

in Hive Book Club3 months ago


Where I found it

I don't even remember the first time that I heard this title, it would have been a long time ago. I did see the movie that came out in 2013. I thought it was interesting and had great cinematography, but I didn't remember a ton of details. I do remember that movie being very long, so when I saw this on a bookshelf recently, I was surprised at how thin the book was. I asked my wife about it and she said that it was a good book, I checked the library to see if they had it in audio and they did, so I pulled it up in my app.


The narrator Nick moves to Long Island from the midwest during the roaring '20s and is drawn into the social circle of his nextdoor neighbor Jay Gatsby. There are a couple of overlapping love triangles that get sorted during the course of the book.

Favorite part

It comes out early in the story that Tom has a mistress. I liked the way that our narrator described her when he first met her.

Rating 3/5 stars


I've said before that if a book is worth finishing, it's worth at least 3 stars. The story is well written and reasonably interesting. I didn't like any of the characters, or care much what happened to them.

I am hoping to share plenty of book reviews. What sort of information do you like to see included in book reviews? I’m hoping to keep them fairly short and sweet. What do you think of my format for this post?

If you have any recommendations for ways to improve my posts, please share them. I hope this post has been helpful and informative. Thanks for reading and thanks for all the upvotes, reblogs, comments and follows.

Lastly, I'm hoping that this book club will be interactive. I would love to hear your comments and considerations if you happen upon a review for something that you've read yourself. I'll try to do the same for you when I stumble onto a book review for something that I've already read.


I heard of the film but never got to see it. I think I'll check out the book.

If you have any recommendations for ways to improve my posts, please share them

I think putting a bare link out there isn't appealing.

Also you could talk a little more about the book you read and maybe talk about something intriguing or something that appalled you in the book that'd interest your audience.