The Hobbit: A Graphic Novel by JRR Tolkien

in Hive Book Club2 months ago


Where I found it

I've been familiar with the story of the Hobbit since childhood. I happened onto an animated adaptation of this when I was just a kid. It seemed really long at the time, and I didn't get to watch the whole thing, but I thought it was pretty cool. I picked up the book as a teenager and couldn't get into it. I picked it up again as an adult after having seen the LOTR movies that came out 20 years ago. Incredible that it's already been that long. I loved the book when I read it as an adult. I also enjoyed the LOTR trilogy. I read the Silmarillion and didn't love that, but maybe I'll enjoy it more after finishing the Amazon Prime series. In any case my wife stumbled onto this graphic novel version while she was strolling through Target. My kids are young enough that the pictures are very important to them. My youngest would fall asleep like clockwork after a few pages, but my eldest daughter loved the book.


Bilbo Baggins is a Hobbit who gets recruited by a group of Dwarves to infiltrate their ancestral home which has been captured by the dragon Smaug. It's interesting that they make this journey without much of a plan to defeat or displace Smaug and Bilbo especially has zero applicable experience. They come into all sorts of adventures along the way, and start a war too.

Favorite parts

I love when Bilbo faces off against the spiders in Mirkwood. The faceoff between Smaug and the people of Laketown is also epic.

Rating 5/5 stars


This is a timeless classic. There are multiple movies and multiple versions of the book. I would recommend it as a fun fantasy for all ages.

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There was at least 3 different animated versions of Hobbit/LOTR and few obscure kinda tv theater versions (swedish, finnish "hobbitit" and especially early 90ties russian (2 different) comicaly bad.

That's awesome to know. I think the 1977 movie is the most likely one that I stumbled onto as a kid, but I don't remember it well enough to say for certain.

I have this books, they are my precious 😅 I just need the LOTR books to complete the Baggins history.

This latest adaptation is beautifully illustrated and seems to include the full text or near enough that I couldn't tell the difference.