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RE: 100 Ways To Improve Your Writing by Gary Provost Review

in Hive Book Club5 months ago

Another thing that I find quite intriguing from the book is also “how to make people like what you write”.

This stands out for me and a constant thought on my mind everytime I want to publish something. A way of valuing our readers and what they consume.

I agree this book is worth reading. I'm always looking to improve my writing. The art of writing is dynamic and should never be obsolete. Thanks for sharing.


Glad to see someone who still believe it won't be obsolete. I mean, with the rise of AI they can also be trained but there's that devoid feeling of humanity where to be fair, imperfections are part of it.

Publishing into a platform is also something that relates to that as well. It's like we have to know what our readers like to read and enjoy checking out. That way, the can relate to what we're writing about.

PS: sorry just got back here, I am currently moving in between home + hospital :')