
You didn't know Kindle? I love Kindle. I use the app on my phone and my tablet. So I can read everywhere 😁
I really LOVE freebies and am addicted to them.
I saved so much money with the freebies. I also love Kindle Unlimited, but with over 10,000 freebies, I have enough selection. There are many pages where you can get free ebooks (legally).
I never used wattpad, I used another app, but I prefer books 😊

Not familiar😂, I think it is not here in my country.
Ang who wouldn't like freebies😆, I love reading too and once I get hooked, stop was not in my vocabulary.
I read all day

Amazon is worldwide. You only need an account and you have access to Kindle. The app is free so you can read lots of books and don't have to pay anything if you buy freebies. But there are also many books for small money. Bundles with 5, 10, or 20 books for only $1. But with all the freebies it's not necessarily to buy some 😁

Thanks much! I will check that!

You're welcome 😊