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RE: Maintaining a Reading Habit While Traveling

Oh wow! Thanks for sharing your personal tips with us here, I'm not a dedicated reader just yet but I'm working towards being one.

These tips just came in handy thanks to you... It's very much appreciated.

I'm not sure I have friends who would enjoy chatting with me about books I read, maybe I never asked for such scenario.

But I'll definitely make use of the discord channel if I want to discuss 🙂


I am sure there's always that person who are closeted reader and would enjoy having a conversation. Do you have any reading tips that you can share with others here?

You're right, I just have to think of the one I do have hehe

A tip? Don't rush over pages, it's always better to let your imagination travel while you read... So I learned 🙂 not worth sharing, I know haha