
Oops! People may laugh but I'm glad it wasn't worse. Fire dancing was very popular here about 20 years ago and there have been some horror stories of things that went wrong

yes I am lucky nothing worse happened. in general it should be safe when you perform but there are just accidents that can happen. also I found a lot of venues don't take it seriously when you give them instructions and that can be trouble

I see that you are a multifaceted artist and I love that, friend @petrahaller

I really like the circus, when it is of quality and innovative.

I like your posts, they are different from anything I have seen on Hive, and I am very attracted to them.

A big hug

thank you!!!

Seems you've been performing in many places which is nice. I'm truly sorry about your hair anyway. I'm here wondering what could have happened if it got worse. Good thing you feel better because this particularly is one of such experiences to tell.

yes that's the great thing about being a performer, you make a lot of different experiences. yeah well they had fire guards in the theatre because they have to since they were using plyometrics and fire on stage. I was lucky that I didn't burn my scalp because then you get a bold spot. Now years later I just laugh about it

sorry I by accident posted in the wrong community!