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RE: Reading in 2020: My Book Review

in Hive Book Club3 years ago

What are your favourite dystopic/apocalyptic books? I'm a massive fan of them - there's nothing more engrossing for me! I think that's Mum's fault - she was always a fan too, and got me hooked as a young adult. I loved Anansi's Boys! I actually am not sure which one I liked best - probably American Gods was better realised. I don't like ALL Gaiman, but these two were great. I think I was just a bit tired of Norse gods - they've appeared in all kinds of ways in mythologies and fictions that I've read and I was finding anything particularly new or intriguing.


I'm not sure if I have a favorite book regarding that kind of subgenre. There's a lot of good and gruesome and thoughtful choices. When I finish with my list, I might be able to pick one, but I'm still halfway through. Gaiman has some cool books. The Graveyard Book was awesome. But I like more his work as a comic book writer. The Sandman is spectacular in that regard. And about gods, I think marvel has help Norse gods get a grasp on mainstream pop culture. However, I wanted to learn a bit more about them.