in Hive Book Clublast year (edited)

Hello Everyone!
I hope you all are doing well. Once again welcome to my blog, today I will share a review of the famous novel "Hamlet".

"Hamlet" by William Shakespeare is a timeless tragedy that has captivated readers and audiences for over four centuries. I read this novel during my 5th semester of BS English,I was struck by the complexity of the characters and the depth of the themes explored in the play. Set in the Kingdom of Denmark, the story centers around the young prince Hamlet, who is haunted by his father's ghost and seeks revenge on his uncle, who has usurped the throne and married Hamlet's mother.

One of the most striking things about "Hamlet" is the depth of the characters. Hamlet, the protagonist, is a complex and conflicted figure, torn between his desire for revenge and his uncertainty about the right course of action. His internal struggles are mirrored in the other characters, including his mother Gertrude, his love interest Ophelia, and his friend Horatio. Each character is richly drawn, with their motivations and flaws, making them feel like real people rather than mere archetypes.

The setting of "Hamlet" is also noteworthy. The play takes place in the Kingdom of Denmark, a land of political intrigue and betrayal. The palace where much of the action takes place is a microcosm of this larger world, with its struggles and hidden agendas. The play also features several scenes set in graveyards and other dark places, which add to the atmosphere of foreboding and doom.

As I read "Hamlet," I was struck by the timeless themes that the play explores. The struggle for power and the corrupting influence of ambition are central themes, as is the idea that revenge can consume and destroy those who seek it. The play also touches on issues of love, loyalty, and mortality, making it a work that speaks to readers and audiences of all generations.

In conclusion, "Hamlet" is a masterpiece of literature that has stood the test of time. Its complex characters, rich setting, and timeless themes make it a work that is still relevant today. As I read the play during my 5th semester, I was struck by its power and emotional resonance, and I would highly recommend it to anyone looking for a thought-provoking and engaging work of literature.

Thanks for reading my post and for your precious time.

(Clicked by me)


It's a genuine classic. I read it during my grade school, days alongside the tempest.

The themes were always something to ponder.

Thank you for sharing 🙂

You're welcome! I'm glad to hear that you enjoyed the book and its themes.

Most of Shakespeare could be reduced to family feud with kill/suicide as an ending xD

It always had that theme of strife and twisted violence or something

It is amazed how he dint have complains back them but I guess most of his viewers were exactly that audience and took them as comedy/fiction. If one says that the current king decides to kill someone because his p p won't work, one would instantly get censored about it.

Evolution I guess 😂😂
Also the fact that it's fiction still gives people that sense of security or something

Lulz so If I write off a character murdering a dictator, I have to make it fiction so noone looks at it? Cool to know xD

This made me chuckle 🤣😅🤣🤣🤣

Yes u are right

Spot on 🙌🏾

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