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RE: The Iliad by Homer | Literary Classics #21

it needs to be remembered that in the states comprising ancient Greece there was no concept of homosexuality as we understand it today. Romantic and sexual relationships between men are thought to have been common, especially between an older and younger pairing. Mention of similar relationships between women are rarer, but still exist.

While the nature of the relationship between different warriors in The Illiad are subject of speculation it should be noted that when the poems which create the epic were gathered into written form there was no explicit mention of a sexual relationship between characters, and a strong emotional connection does not automatically construe a sexual one.
It is difficult for people of one era to not overlay their mores on the works of older eras.

Taking what is known about views on sex at the time there is certainly a basis for assuming sexual relationships between characters in the poems, but without contemporaneous writing being more explicit on the matter, it remains a point of conjecture.


Of course, their relationship could very well be platonic and I do agree that the homosexual angle is merely a conjecture, but I think it does no harm humoring them lol!
The internet has been merciless though, seen some very questionable memes I cannot wipe from my mind! :)