Enjoy stir-fried long bean and carrot tauco

in Plant Power (Vegan)last month (edited)

Plant Power (Vegan)
Recipe for stir-fry long bean and carrot tauco

Hello friends, everyone, hive and food lovers

hello everyone, back with me again on this occasion I want to share a simple vegetable stir fry recipe for my little family's lunch side dish, I am very happy that my child is now very enthusiastic about eating his food, as a mother I feel very proud because now my child I'm smart and really like vegetables

and today I want to try making tauco stir-fried long beans and carrots because my child really likes carrot vegetables so I also added carrots to this side dish
Apart from that, I also have to really like this stir-fried long bean tauco, but this time I made it a little different, I didn't add chilies to this stir-fried long bean tauco, so that my child can eat it, friends can also add chilies and also some sliced ​​red and white onions

This is a delicious vegan side dish for lunch and is full of nutrients, and is also very simple

Ingredients for stir-fried long bean tauco:

100 grams long beans
1 carrot
2 tbsp tauco

how to make :

(1) The first step is to cut the vegetables first, here I cut the long beans into sharp and thin pieces so they cook quickly, and I also cut the carrots into thin pieces, the pieces of these vegetables can be adjusted to each individual's taste.

(2) Next, wash all the vegetables that have been cut, then take 1 tomato, cut it and wash it clean, then pour in a little oil, then sauté the tomato pieces, stir-fry until slightly wilted, then add the vegetables that have been cut, including carrots and long beans.

(3) After that, add 2 tablespoons of tauco and add a little water then stir well, after that check the taste to see if it is right, here I also added 1 teaspoon of salt because it tastes a little bland, before adding the salt check the taste first because tauco has a salty taste

then cook until the vegetables are cooked, about 10 minutes and wait until they cool, after that it is ready to be served for today's lunch menu, a simple vegan side dish that is full of nutrition. The way to make it is also very simple, it doesn't take long to make this dish.

That's all my post this time, I hope you like the recipe for stir-fried long bean and carrot tauco that I shared, and don't forget to try this recipe, friends,

See you in the next post friends

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Who is @aera8?

aera8 is a housewife
whose hobby is cooking, traveling, gardening and likes something unique, likes the latest things and challenges, but this is where I channel my talents, and start to learn a lot more from all my friends, and I am very happy to be able to make friends with my great friends who come from various countries, happy to be friends with everyone, I hope you never get bored of reading my posts, and if your friends like it, don't forget to reblog my post, greetings friends from aera8❤️

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Best Regards @aera8


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It's looks delicious🌺🌺🌺