A Yummy Rice Recipe Without Rice

What? Rice without rice?
Let me do some magic for you.


Our minds are limitless. There are many things we want to achieve. Creative thoughts keep us from innovating to make us live a better life. Because life is constantly moving and changing, our minds are constantly changing according to what we are experiencing.

As with food, there are many innovations created for many specific purposes. There are those who aim to process food ingredients that are less attractive to have a good value on the market. There are foods that aim to substitute other foods for healthier choices.

In my opinion, our minds will never stop to keep us alive even in the most difficult conditions. But, indeed, we often fail to control our thoughts so that we overreact and stress arises. Before that happens, we must control our powerful minds.


So, this time I'm sharing my experience with plant-based rice made without rice! I really like the taste of this plant-based rice. So, I hope that you can also make this type of rice at home, especially for those of you who are reducing your carbohydrate intake.

As a warning, the texture of the rice recipe this time is different from the texture of rice in general which is soggy. But their appearance is similar.

Cauliflower Rice

Have you heard of Cauliflower Rice? Actually, this wasn't my first time cooking Cauliflower Rice. In the past, I've also shared the Cauliflower Rice recipe here. It's just that, on occasion, I changed the complementary ingredients for Cauliflower Rice.


Cauliflower that has been converted to textured grains. Looks like rice at a glance, right?

Honestly, personally, I really like the taste and texture of this Cauliflower Rice recipe. So indeed, it is very suitable as a substitute for rice in general. The most important thing is that their taste is not disgusting. While cooking Cauliflower Rice, I put myself in the position of someone who doesn't like vegetables that have a strong taste and aroma. That's why I'm looking for the right spices so that this menu can be liked by others, especially for beginners in consuming vegetables.

Aromatic Herbs


The ingredients that you really need to pay attention to are the aromatic herbs for seasoning the Cauliflower Rice. We have to add aromatic herbs. The tip is to choose aromatic herbs that we are familiar with and often use for cooking. The more familiar they are in our kitchen, the more comfortable we will be with the results of these dishes.

Cauliflower Rice will produce an unpleasant aroma when cut into pieces. That's why, we need aromatic herbs to get rid of the bad smell of cauliflower.

In this recipe, I used kaffir lime leaves, ginger, and lemongrass. These herbs greatly affect the results of the Cauliflower Rice. In addition to creating a distinctive fragrance, these herbs enhance the delicious taste of dishes.
You can use other types of herbs that have a scent that you like. But for the record, get rid of any aromatic herbs you don't like from this recipe. It would only make the Cauliflower Rice worse as a whole.

Oh, wait, you can also add turmeric powder if you want to make the cauliflower rice more attractive and not pale. But only optional and not really the focus of the ingredients in this recipe.

Complementary Vegetables

Apart from aromatic herbs, you should also add vegetables that you like, or at least vegetables that you can eat the most among the many other choices.

Just like serving rice with vegetables in general, this recipe for Cauliflower Rice is also served with complementary vegetables. We don't need to cook them separately. We're going to be cooking the cauliflowers and other side vegetables at the same time as well. It also saves our cooking time. That's great!

Some vegetable choices that are suitable for Cauliflower Rice are peas, green beans, long beans, carrots, chives, mushrooms, and more. In this recipe, I use mushrooms, green beans, and carrots.

The Ingredients


  • 2 small cauliflowers
  • enough green beans (about a handful of chopped green beans)
  • enough button mushrooms (about a handful of 1/4 cup of sliced mushrooms)
  • enough carrots (about a handful of chopped carrots)
  • one stalk of lemon grass, flattened
  • 3 sheets of kaffir lime leaves
  • about the size of a thumb of ginger, flattened
  • 3 tablespoons of chopped garlic and red onion
  • 1/2 of teaspoon salt

Cooking Instructions

Cut Cauliflowers Into Small Pieces


Remove stems and leaves from cauliflowers. Then, cut them into small pieces. The size of the cut cauliflowers is adjusted with the chopper which you will later use to turn the cauliflowers into grains.

Prepare the salt water. Then soak the cauliflower pieces in the salt water for about 10-15 minutes. In addition to cleaning the small caterpillars that stick to the cauliflowers, this method will also reduce the bad smell of the cauliflowers. In particular, if the cauliflowers used are not very fresh because they are not used immediately after purchase.

Chop Cauliflowers



I use a manual chopper. Add the chopped cauliflowers that have been thoroughly washed (after soaking them in the saltwater). Make cauliflowers like grains.

Stir-fry Seasoning


Heat the oil. Then add all the seasoning ingredients (chopped onion, ginger, and other herbs) except salt.

Add Veggies


Add the veggies and keep stirring them to avoid burning the bottom of the pan. Do not add water because it will make the texture of the cauliflower rice soggy later. Cook for five minutes, or when the veggies are nearly cooked in your opinion.

Add Cauliflower Grains


Add the cauliflowers that have been formed into grains in the last five minutes of cooking. Don't forget to add salt and correct the taste before cooking them.



Serve cauliflowers rice with garnishes according to your taste. You can also add fried tofu or chips to make the sensation of eating more enjoyable.

According to my taste, the result of Cauliflower Rice this time is better than my previous recipe. In my opinion, because I use kaffir lime leaves which have an effect on a delicious and authentic cooking fragrance. What do you think about the Cauliflower Rice recipe? Let me know if you are interested in trying Cauliflower Rice.




Thank you for reading my blog and reblog if you want my blog this time worthy of reading by others.

Best Regards,
Anggrek Lestari


Who is Anggrek Lestari?

Anggrek Lestari is an Indonesian fiction writer who has published two major books. Now She is a full-time content creator. She has a goal to share life, poem, and food content that makes others happy and can get inspiration.

Contact Person: [email protected]
Discord: anggreklestari#3009


I love how you always incorporate fresh ingredients into your meals. This looks delicious AND nutritious!😋😋😋

Thank you 😊

Making rice from cauliflower? That's a great idea, I was thinking of making a recipe soon where I use cauliflower as a substitute for bulgur, because cauliflower is my favorite too! My mom makes great cauliflower salads. You should try it with olive oil 😋

I just searching for the bulgur. That's similar. But yeah, I think the taste Will be a strong aroma and Indonesian tongue Will not like it. Ahaha.

But that's great, we have similar food, even though with different preparation 😊

I was watching MasterChef Slovenia a few days ago and one of the competitors also used cauliflower as a substitute for rice. He was praised for his originality, but not for his preparation. You would definitely qualify for the next round with this recipe 😋

Some area has different originality, I thought. That's come from spices and herbs, and small detail, such as butter, etc. Just adjust with our taste buds then 😊

You're so right, food needs to be adapted to our tastes, the recipe is often just a guide

Oh my goodness that looks divine, but as always beautiful @anggreklestari.

As always delighting us with good food, and giving visual pleasure for all.

Blessed day to you... 💗

❤️❤️❤️ glad you enjoy it

No rice = no eat!
But I think this will be one exception mbak, since the presentation already makes me happy and half full. hahah
beautiful as always, anddd yummy. !LUV

Ahaha bener banget. Itu yang bikin kita akhirnya jadi buncit. Dikit dikit nasi, ditambah lagi dikit dikit gula. Aduh jadi kacau deh. Ehehe

hahah, ia nih mbah, saya juga mau diet sebetulnya. perut dah makin membesar aja, gerak makin susah. ahahah

It's a great idea and quite nutritious, no doubt it will taste great, because your dishes are always delicious.

Healthier and indeed makes us full without general rice 😊

actually it is a food full of good nutrition that can be tried instead of rice. My favorite food is cauliflower.

Cauliflower is my fav too. 🙂❤️

Tempting. Like this won't have to eat rice. Besides, cauliflower got protein 🤔

Yes, cauliflower has protein and carbo as well 🙂

Wow,, very delicious,, I want to try the recipe you shared, Thank you for sharing

Thank you 🙂

lol, your food is always so colorful XD

Needed more colorful foods to make my family members are not get bored when come to dining table. Ahaha.
I am the only chef at home 😅
Thanks for stopping by 😊

This looks yummy and healthy. I am aware of using cauliflower as a vegan rice.. But I'm not really a fan of it along with the broccoli.. But this really looks good and enticing..

Broccoli is not well, but cauliflower is yes! 😊

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Thanks foodies 😊

Healthy food 😊

Indeed. Healthy food. Thank you 😊

I really have to cut on carbs and perhaps it is time to start cooking cauliflower rice again. Yours look pretty and appetizing. ❤️

After marriage, my body is increase weight 😅 me and my husband doing food diet.
For now, about 2 weeks and everything works well. 😊

Hhey, congratulations on the marriage!😍 I wish you many happy, healthy, and wealthy years together.

It's good your diet is working for you. As for me, I need to be more dedicated to this. I've been failing miserably.

This is a yummy looking meal! I know this is a good substitute for rice. I also do this once in a while when dieting.. Thanks for sharing.

Wow, you really made the food with love. I can see through all of your pictures, the decorations, the food. All looks so delicious, healthy and really attractive. Well, I think it increase the appetite of everyone who see it XD

Great Post as always mba :)


The tutorial for making food like the one you show is very easy to understand. Brother has written neatly.

me encanta el amor que pones en la comida. Creo que la industria nos educa para comer basura, pero como dices todo está en nuestra mente y la posibilidad de permear nuestros pensamientos. Hay posibilidades infinitas para comer de otra forma, saludable, con amor. Me encantan tus post..