Pudding On The Go Recipe

A dessert recipe to enjoy on the go.
Homemade food is happiness.


Always happy to be able to cook for loved ones. Even in tiring times I don't care about that. My priority is that my loved ones can eat good food.

I don't know, there is happiness in itself when my husband asks me to cook a special meal for him. From that, I feel really needed. Indeed, it sounds simple. Is very big. My husband could have bought food close to work, but he chose for me to make food for him.

Pudding Request


That night my husband asked for pudding to be made instead of asking for a main meal like a bento box as usual. My husband will have work at noon the next day, after lunch. So, he asked to make a dessert that is served cold and can be eaten in the car.

At night, I shopped for whatever I needed to make this Pudding On The Go. The supply of pudding ingredients has run out. So, I went shopping with my husband at a mini market in the middle of town.

Plant-Based Flavored Jelly


My favorite plant-based jelly powder is Agar Powder. What is Agar Powder called in your area? Agar powder is made from seaweed which is good for digestive health.

For this recipe, I'm going to use flavored agar powder. This is because the product already has an attractive taste and color. So, I don't need much work in the kitchen to add more flavor if I use plain agar powder.


I'm glad there is an Agar Powder product that supports my plans for the food my husband wants. I chose two flavors of Agar Powder: strawberry flavor and chocolate flavor.

I prepare and cook them in the morning. So, during the day, my husband can take them on trips in his car.

Prepare Enough Sugar and Water


To make Pudding from instant jelly powder, we only need to prepare enough sugar and water. Make sure you read the instructions on each product packaging.

In the product I used this time, I used 1/4 cup of sugar per sachet of agar powder. For water, I use a measure of 800 ml according to the product instructions.

It is important to follow the dosage of the instructions provided. Especially the use of water, so that the jelly can set perfectly

Strawberry Jelly Pudding

Before cooking them, mix agar powder, sugar, and water. Mix them well, then heat them in a sauce pan.


Bring them to a boil. This is important to make the mixture so that it can set perfectly later. Turn off the heat, but keep stirring the mixture to reduce the steam.


CE025B3E-C388-4795-8ACE-373D9914EA38.jpegPrepare heat-resistant jars. Then, transfer the agar mixture into jars. Strain them when put into the jars. Let them cool at room temperature.


Chocolate Jelly Pudding

Next, I prepared Chocolate Jelly Pudding. I made two flavors to create variety. So, my husband will not be bored later.

Just like the cooking step for strawberry pudding, we have to mix agar powder, sugar and water. Mix them well and cook them until they boil.



Also, once the hot steam has disappeared from the agar mixture, place it in jars.


Store in the refrigerator before serving

After the agar mixtures have cooled to room temperature, store them in the refrigerator until they set.

20CFD54D-F07B-41AC-9522-988997C91DF7.jpegWhen it was ready to be served, I sprinkled the dried coconut over the surface of the pudding in the jars. You can also add other toppings according to your taste.

Pudding On The Go Are Ready



I chose to use jars so that the pudding was easy to carry and hold when I was about to eat it. It is perfect for enjoying on the go.

Cold pudding with two flavors. My husband really likes it. Especially the weather in my area is very hot without rain.

5DA3A276-2669-4388-96EF-C7BFA447EDB7.jpegAll we need is sincerity and homemade things. Keep sharing! ❤️❤️❤️

Thank you for reading my blog and reblog if you want my blog this time worthy of reading by others.



Best Regards,
Anggrek Lestari


Who is Anggrek Lestari?

Anggrek Lestari is an Indonesian fiction writer who has published two major books. Now She is a full-time content creator. She has a goal to share life, poem, and food content that makes others happy and can get inspiration.

Contact Person: [email protected]
Discord: anggreklestari#3009


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Greetings @anggreklestari, it's always good to have options to prepare delicious dishes in a few minutes, I think coconut is the perfect complement to pudding, for its freshness and flavor.

Happy and blessed weekend!


@belkyscabrera just sent you a DIY token as a little appreciation for your post dear @anggreklestari! Feel free to multiply it by sending someone else !DIY in a comment :) You can do that x times a day depending on your balance so:

Don't be shy - share some DIY!

Nice recipe and presentation as always. I like the recipe. I love cooking pudding since it's the easiest dessert in the world. Gonna try that 🤩

For sure! The easiest dessert around the world 😍

How are you lately? Seems busy like me too 😅

Thanks for asking, I feel better today, you probaly seen my post about my health. My ear is better and I'm trying to do my work on Hive and engage with people. And yeah I'm busy lately 😂

How about you? How are you nowadays?

i like it.. full of fiber @anggreklestari

Your husband must be blessed for having a great wife ready to prepare delicious meals and desserts at home.

i like chocolate pudding :)

That rich agar agar jelly, here where I live I have not seen commercial brand with agar agar, and it is difficult to obtain in the city, where I live impossible. I really enjoyed watching the process in your post. Greetings.

What a sweet way of him saying, "you are the best cook". It's the best feeling indeed to be apreciated of the things we do.

We call it gulaman powder here. Yes it so easy to make and I usually buy gulaman powder pandan flavor. Indeed it is easy to prepare.

Your husband indeed can carry it easily and he could eat one flavor to another.

Amazing, that must be really good.