Making Marqisa Kombucha, How Does it Taste?

in Plant Power (Vegan)2 years ago


Hello everyone and plant based community,
Warm regards to all of you..

There are so many types of drinks, ranging from soft drinks, alcohol and canned drinks that are sold in the market, there are types of drinks that are said to have a myriad of benefits, there are also types of drinks that increase energy, and some are just drinks to chill in the afternoon.

Since suffering from diabetes, I worry about a lot of food, drink and calories that enter my body, because it will be very difficult to be processed by the pancreas which will make high levels of glucose in the blood. So I decided to make my own food and drink so I know how many calories I put in my body.

After realizing that I had to live a healthy life, leaving the bad lifestyle for the past 10 years, I started to make many plans to manage it. Many are looking for facts and alternatives to slowly change their lifestyle, especially for food and drink. I like a lot of sweet foods and drinks, especially boba drinks, coca cola and others. In the last two months, I changed that habit by drinking kombucha.


I know good facts about kombucha, this drink is a good source of probiotics for the body, especially digestion. Then a few moments ago, I learned that there is a close relationship between kombucha and diabetes, it turns out that there are many benefits of drinking kombucha for diabetics, one of which is as a low-calorie drink and can lower blood sugar levels if you drink it regularly for 1 month. I also know this fact after many journals I read about kombucha.

Thankfully I figured this out sooner, so I could find an alternative to the fizzy drink I drink almost every day. Kombucha despite its many benefits, it also tastes very good and has a soda sensation from fermented tea and scoby.


In the last 2 months, I like to try many things to make fermented kombucha, the last time I used strawberries for the second fermentation. This time I want to make kombucha with marqisa, an exotic fruit with a fresh, sweet and sour taste that has its own taste. Incidentally, my sister had just returned from Berastagi, an area that produces the best marqisa fruit in North Sumatra.

I harvested 2 liters of kombucha, I'm going to make it into a few small bottles of kombucha marqisa. Adding fruit to raw kombucha will make it smell and taste different, especially if you don't like the smell of raw kombucha, this can be a good alternative for liking kombucha.



I will tell you some steps to make kombucha marqisa, not much different from making strawberry kombucha, marqisa kombucha is easier and takes a little longer to ferment than strawberry kombucha.

Remember, in making kombucha, make sure all tools are sterile, so that the fermentation does not fail and is attacked by mold. Wash your hands and make sure the tools are thoroughly washed and soaked in hot water. To make kombucha this time I will wash the scoby first, there is a simple way to wash the scoby.

Wash Scoby
The Steps



  • Prepare warm water, place it in a wide container such as a large bowl or concave plate.
  • Take the scoby slowly, wash it with warm water, do not use soap or sanitizer.
  • After rubbing gently by hand, clean of tea powder.
  • Place in an empty container filled with kombuca, then put the scoby back in the sweet tea solution. Re-ferment to make new kombucha.



After knowing how to wash scoby, this time I will provide information about the second fermentation with passion fruit. Make sure you have enough passion fruit that has the right sweet and sour taste, don't use passion fruit that is rotten or damaged.

Marqisa Kombucha
The Recipe

  • Use 2 liters of kombucha that has been fermented for at least 10 days. In order to make the soda in kombucha higher and make kombucha taste better, minimal calories and fresh.



  • Wash the passion fruit, then split it because we only use the contents of the passion fruit.



  • Use 10% of passion fruit from kombucha solution, if using 2 liters then 200 grams of passion fruit are needed.
  • Put the kombucha in a glass bottle that has a tight lid, then add the marqisa fruit.



  • Close and put in the box, prevent the bottle from breaking and hurting the brewer. Open the bottle cap after 3 days of fermentation, the fermentation will release a lot of foam like sparkling water.




Well, that's how to make the second fermented kombucha using marqisa. You can try it at home, but you have to be careful and don't make it carelessly because if kombucha is attacked by mold, then kombucha is undrinkable and dangerous for the body. So, want to be a kombucha brewer at home?


See you the next time hive friends!

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About Author

Annyeong yorobun! Welcome to wita’s corner. Author is a full time housewife who loves to eat while writing. Enthusiasm to gardening and cooking. Like the exploration of new things and have many dream is unlimited. Always vote and give suggestions to advance this author.

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Hi @aswita, it is important to maintain a healthy diet to take care of your health; kombucha has many health benefits, I have never seen that fruit in my country, how does it taste?


Marqisa is indeed a tropical fruit that has a sour taste character with a slightly sweet taste. The character taste is very fresh to taste and can make saliva dripping.

I am determined for that, to live a healthier life by maintaining a better diet. Thank you for visiting my post @belkyscabrera


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I´m so interested and have so many questions... but first, the scoby is something you buy or something you make? how do you start with it?

thanks for the post!
in recent days I have found my interest in fermentation