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RE: [Healthy Bento] Carrot Noodles With Broccoli And Potato Wedges

This is something great when your husband loves to eat what you eats.

In my case there are some vegetables that I love but my husband hates lol. So a lot of times that he will just buy viand outside and I will cook simple food for me and my son.


Im really grateful, I have husband who like vegetables a lot. Oh, honestly, it will be very difficult for us as a wife if husband did not like some veggies. We have to be picky things 😅

He rarely eat outside, except when his customer brought him to cafe/restaurant.

That's the best because eating your own cooked food is better and healthy.

Yes that's my problem and I didn't wonder why he is like that because most of his siblings are like him. They didn't like vegetables that's so soft and sticky like ladies finger and the like.