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RE: Fresh White Mealie Bread

Wow a simple mealie bread recipe at long last, my Mom grew up through depression as did Dad, Mom baked, this was an all time favourite. Now I will give this a bash....

To be totally honest with you, I love a mealie not too fond of sweetcorn, perhaps it is the way we were brought up. Dad grew mealies, we had African folk cycle around and still do selling fresh, still my preference over sweetcorn any day.



Thank you Joan, it really is an easy recipe, delicious and a nice way of using up white mealies when they're too mature. When it's young they definitely taste better, also brings back memories of childhood days.😍

Will have to try bake some they look fun too, I cook mealies in their leaves more often than not, holds in the flavour, still enjoy them when in season.