
Delicious recipe

Those potatoes have a lot of delicious flavor.

Hi @khushboo108

You have been well received in this community, we have been kind to you. Your recipes have been rated, however, we see that you are presenting very similar content. We perfectly understand the limitations that may exist when purchasing ingredients, but you can try to vary them, especially with Indian cuisine, which is wonderful and very broad.

These two recipes are very similar to the one you present today. Remember that repeating recipes and/or republishing old content, whether in text or photos, are prohibited practices in this community and throughout Hive. Keep this wake-up call in mind.

Here we share recipes similar to today's:

I am sorry that I shared the same recipe again. I am very grateful for the support of the vegan community. I am deeply sorry, it's my fault for not paying attention.

@khushboo108 You cannot repost this content in any community, and it was not necessary to delete it.

In any case, even if you think you have deleted it, there is still a backup of everything you publish on Hive on the blockchain, so we can view it in the future.

We suggest you be careful, do your research and vary your recipes. This way you will avoid being silenced in the communities.