Vegan Carrot Pancakes (ESP/ENG)

in Plant Power (Vegan)last month (edited)

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Hi @mairene1

Interesting recipe. I remind you that this community is VEGAN, not vegetarian.

In your post you say that you have used vegan cheese, we would like to know what it is made from, what is the basis of this cheese.

On the other hand, every time you use in the recipes that you present in this community, any ingredient that may or may not be vegan, such as: Cheese, margarines, some honey or milk of plant origin, it is ESSENTIAL that you present the packaging of the product you are using, it is a way to clear up any doubts about it.

If you have a recipe in which you include a product of animal origin, such as: Cheese, milk, eggs, honey, etc., you can publish in other gastronomic communities, such is the case of Foodies Bee Hive.

From now on, you will place the packaging, or make the recipes (within the post) for those ingredients that may or may not have a vegan version. And you must also go out making your recipes in photos (in several, at least three of the total photos). While you've been around Hive for a while, you're not known in the vegan community.

I have never thought of using Aloe this way. We cannot find it everywhere but sometimes. Thanks for the tip. They look like a healthy delicious snack.😋

Wow que tortitas tan interesantes me da mucha curiosidad como usaste la Sábila como sustituto del huevo, se ve genial! Y más genial aún es que hayas usado queso vegano que para mi ha sido muy difícil encontrarlo.
Muy buena receta, gracias!

Gracias, me pareció excelente receta.
Me encantaría usar el queso vegano pero hasta ahora no he podido dar con el

Se ven muy deliciosas, tengo que probar está receta ya que me llama la atención que le pusistes sábila, muy interesante este dato gracias por compartir