Bean Sprouts Soup For Your Body's Refreshment.

in Plant Power (Vegan)5 months ago


Bean sprouts made into soup will bring a new surprise to my kitchen. The first time making this recipe is a little confusing, but bean sprouts are sure to add a new twist to your soup bowl.

Bean sprouts are the cheapest vegetable in my country, in fact many processed bean sprouts are added to traditional dishes. Well, because cultivating bean sprouts is relatively easy, it is possible that they are cheap on the market. Moreover, the raw materials are very easy to find. In fact, it is very rare for soup to be made from bean sprouts


Bean sprouts are usually found in other vegetable preparations in my area, such as pecal and even in noodles. I rarely add bean sprouts as the main ingredient in soup. so I want to try it this time. As we know, bean sprouts have many benefits. So today I made bean sprouts with soup, of course adding a little jam as a substitute for meat. The unique thing that is different from ordinary soup is that I added whole bird's eye chilies and green tomatoes. This is so that the soup is fresher and I can determine the level of spiciness that I want to set later when enjoying the soup.

What is needed in the soup would be better if prepared in a new way.

Materials Needed


50 grams of bean sprouts
3 shiratake mushrooms
1 small green tomato
½ red tomato
1 spring onion
4 cayenne peppers
3 cloves of red onion
1 clove of garlic
Sufficient celery leaves

Cooking Procedure

Step 1

As usual, I prepare first, the shiratake mushrooms then soak the mushrooms briefly in hot water so they become soft.


Step 2

Thinly chop the mushrooms according to your wishes or you can chop them coarsely.



Step 3

Prepare the garlic and shallots, chop both onions.


Step 4

Cut the leeks and celery into small pieces according to your taste.



Step 5

Continue cutting the tomatoes, I cut them small so they are easy to soften in the soup.



Step 6

After all the ingredients were ready, I started cooking, adding half a spoonful of butter then sautéing the shallots and garlic.


Step 7

Saute until wilted then add 1 liter of water.



Step 8

Add the cayenne pepper and tomatoes, then add the spring onions.





Step 9

Cook then add the mushroom pieces, wait until it boils.



Step 10

Add the toage then season with just ½ teaspoon of salt, don't forget to adjust the taste.







Bean sprout soup is ready to be served in a bowl, enjoy the different sensation of eating bean sprouts. Well bean sprouts can be used in any dish but making soup is the first time I have done it. And this first bowl really made me experience a new way of enjoying bean sprouts. For those of you who like bean sprouts, make this soup guaranteed you will like it.



The natural freshness of this soup without any other flavoring ingredients really makes it very delicious. It's naturally delicious, the salt is just right, and what I like most is the spiciness, we can adjust it to what we want by simply breaking the chilies that I threw whole into the soup.


About The Author

A woman, firm and stubborn who is called "Nurul", born in July 1993, comes from Indonesia, Aceh province. My daily activity is work.

Besides working, I have several hobbies, namely reading, writing, cooking, gardening, making crafts, and traveling. From this hobby of mine, I will develop some inspiring content for all of you. I am also very happy to discuss positive new things with all of you.

Hi Readers and Hivers, Thank you for reading and visiting my posts which are 100% copyrighted by myself, my own content, writings and photos, taken with the Samsung Galaxy A72 Smartphone.

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