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RE: Homemade fried rice - Nature to the rescue

Hi, good afternoon @merit.ahama, I welcome you to the vegan community.

Now, I have to make an observation and it is the following: Please remove from your publication the photos and mentions of the chicken that you have included in your plate. While you don't show how you fried it, it is part of the final result.

If you read our community rules, it's clearly stated there that non-vegan content will be muted, and obviously chicken is a non-vegan product.

I wanted to ask something, and it is this: Does the dressing you use on the salad have mayonnaise or eggs? If so, it would not be a vegan product, and you would have to remove its photo as well.

I appreciate you please edit, so you avoid muting your post.


Note: I invite you to read this post, there are the best explained community rules.


I've gone through the rules, I'm sorry for not following it through carefully... I've done the corrections, or is there something I still need to do so it doesn't get muted?

Thanks for the guidance too

There is no need to change anything else. Thank you for taking the suggestions into consideration. Greetings.

Thanks for giving an option not to mute my post 😊
I've known better now