Winners of the community challenge "100% vegan Day!"

Hello plant based foodies, wherever you are in the world!

Today, we are featuring only the winners of the 100% Vegan Day challenge.

We also take the opportunity to invite you to support #vegan #plant #plantbased content through delegations, which are welcome, no matter the amount, everything adds up, everything is important, and something else, not only will you be supporting good vegan content, because also we do a daily curate work, voted those quality posts, as long as their topic does not contradict the principles of veganism. On the other hand, weekly, on Tuesdays, we are returning part of the benefit generated by the delegated amounts. So, we invite you to do so, to delegate to the @plantpoweronhive account.


Plant Power Cooking Challenge Winner(s)

Let's start this post by announcing the winners of the "100% Vegan Day" challenge, in which 8 proposals were submitted, all very delicious, and best of all, totally vegan recipes.

  • You can this challenge here

In this edition, we received 8 participations, and in recognition of the effort, originality and dedication that you have had in your publications, we will award the prizes. Additionally, each participant received:


We would also like to express our deep gratitude to the @ecency and @holos-lotus communities, and to the @visualblock project, who have given us their valuable support for the realization of this vegan challenge.. Thank you very much!


Let's see which posts have participated in this challenge:


Let's see each winning post



My 100% vegan day
by @yole

In a great and complete post, with great photos, @yole tells us what her 100% vegan day is like. She tells us that in her home, her daughter and grandson do not consume animal products, so there are days when she makes a vegan menu for everyone at home. She shares with us three very complete meals, which she prepares in detail, explaining the step by step of each dish. This post is of great quality, so it has been selected as the winner of this vegan challenge.

Congratulations @yole! You are the winner of 4 HIVE.



Esp/Eng: Mi entrada al desafío: Mi día 100% vegano! My entry to the challenge: My 100% vegan day!
by @yessi08

In a very candid post, @yessi08 tells us that making a 100% vegan menu can be quite a challenge for her, as her family is not used to veganism, so she has to be very resourceful to make appealing and delicious dishes. So she shared with us three very complete menus, which she explains in detail in a good post, so she has also won the vegan challenge.

Congratulations @yessi08! You are the winner of 4 HIVE.



The PLANT BASED challenge: 100% Vegan Day! - Mi día Vegano . My vegan day.
by @marivic10

For @marivic10 to have a 100% vegan day was a challenge in itself, which she overcame splendidly, as she brings us a really delicious, nutritious and balanced breakfast, lunch and dinner. She explains each dish in great detail, offering us a high quality post, which is why she is also the winner of the vegan challenge.

Congratulations @marivic10! You are the winner of 4 HIVE.



@nellyhope menu , recipes of my day 100% vegan [Esp-Eng]
by @nellyhope

For this vegan challenge @nellyhope brings us an excellent post, in which she tells us why she has chosen plant-based eating, and this is as a result of her son's illness. In a beautiful post, she develops a delicious and very nutritious 100% vegan menu (breakfast, lunch and dinner), and additionally reminds us of the importance of staying well hydrated with the vital liquid: Water. Her post, with beautiful photos, has also been selected as the winner in this opportunity.

Congratulations @nellyhope! You are the winner of 4 HIVE.



Nuestro día 100% vegano | Un vistazo a nuestros hábitos alimenticios [Esp-Eng]
by @chacald.dcymt

In a beautiful and very complete post, @chacald.dcymt tells us the reasons why she has created healthy eating habits in her little daughter, Maria Teresa, and for this, she shows us the 100% vegan menu that she prepares for her in a day, consisting of breakfast, lunch, dinner and even snacks. An excellent post, with varied and delicious recipes, which have earned him to be the winner in this vegan challenge.

Congratulations @chacald.dcymt! You are the winner of 4 HIVE.


Transfer of Community Challenge Prizes

Transfer of the prizes sponsored by the platform @ecency, @melinda010100 and @itsostylish

Transfer of prizes sponsored by @sirenahippie


Delegations welcome!
Find our community here.
Curation Trail

Posted using Ecency Coin


The rewards earned on this comment will go directly to the people( @plantpoweronhive ) sharing the post on Twitter as long as they are registered with @poshtoken. Sign up at

I am very happy to be among the winners...congratulations to all the chefs for these delicious menus. Thank you @plantpoweronhive for this space. See you again.


You're welcome @chacald.dcymt, your post is so great!

Wow, what a nice surprise! I am really excited!

Thanks @plantpoweronhive , for the support!

Congratulations to all the winners, and to all the participants; it was really a great challenge!


Hi @yessi08, your post is really good. You're welcome.

Your content has been voted as a part of Encouragement program. Keep up the good work!

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Thanks for the support!

Thanks for the gift @plantpoweronhive, I'm very happy.

Congratulations to your amazing winners.

congrats to all winners

Thanks for your comment. Greetings!

Happy and blessed day, I am very happy to be among the winners, each post was very well prepared. Thanks for this competition where I also learned a lot about the importance of vegan food as part of the treatment of diseases. I really liked the posts from @nellyhope and @chacald.dcymt, my congratulations also to all the participants who showed us a great job

Thank you very much ☺️. Your menu menu was very complete and healthy. Very well deserved award. An infinite hug 😘.


Thank you very much. Congratulations to all the winners.

You're welcome @yole, your post is really good too.

Que sorpresa tan bonita, muchas gracias por la mención, y felicidades a todos los ganadores, hicieron un excelente trabajo. Felicidades a todo el equipo de @plantpoweronhive, disfrute mucho este reto.

You're welcome @marivic10, all your recipes are so good.

Congratulations to the winners, the proposals for a completely vegan day were all excellent.

Thanks for your comment @jessiencasa. Greetings!

Saludos @plantpoweronhive, gracias por el apoyo, felicidades a los ganadores!

Fué un placer participar!

You're welcome @jerm20. Greetings!

It has been a wonderful contest, an excellent opportunity to share healthy recipes and learn more about balanced eating.

Delighted to be part of this contest, we hope we can continue making proposals together. Blessings and congratulations to all the winners.

Congrats to all winners!

Fue un estupendo Concurso, me encantaron todas las participaciones porque además de saludables en muchas había creatividad de sobra y me gustaron todas las buenas ideas que me aportaron para mi menú. ¡Que se repitan más iniciativas como estas!

@tipu curate 6