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RE: (Esp/Eng) Mi receta de hoy: Rollitos de papa relleno con vegetales🥔🥔🌶️ // Today's recipe: Potato rolls stuffed with vegetables 🥔🥔🌶️

in Plant Power (Vegan)last year (edited)

~~~ embed:1633964587396526081 twitter metadata:MTMyNzA3MDM4MTIxNjMwOTI0OXx8aHR0cHM6Ly90d2l0dGVyLmNvbS8xMzI3MDcwMzgxMjE2MzA5MjQ5L3N0YXR1cy8xNjMzOTY0NTg3Mzk2NTI2MDgxfA== ~~~
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Muy delicioso. Saludos.