Fresh eggplant pickle.

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Dear friends, I wish you all a wonderful day. How are you today? It seems like a rather late day, but the weather is good. With the Sinhala New Year approaching, I'd like to introduce you to a new way of making eggplant pickle. This delicious pickle, made with eggplants, differs from the usual fried version. The specialty here is that everything is boiled in water with vinegar, making it quick and easy to prepare. It offers a unique flavor experience. Now, let's take a look at the ingredients needed to prepare this.

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Materials Used.

Eggplant 150g.
10 green chili pods.
3 onions.
A little garlic.

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1/2 cup of vinegar.
1 Cup of water.
3 Tablespoons of coconut oil.
3 Tablespoon of tomato paste.
Curry leaves.
Salt to taste.
1 Teaspoon of Mustard paste.
1/2 Teaspoon of turmeric powder.
1 Teaspoon of curry powder.
1 teaspoons of crushed chili powder.

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Method of making.

Now let's prepare this. For that, first wash and clean the eggplants, green chillies and onions. Cut the cleaned eggplant into small pieces. Cut the green chillies into oblong shapes. Cut other things like garlic and onion.

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Now we keep a pot made of clay on the stove. A cup of water is added to it. Next, add 1/2 cup of vinegar, salt to it and boil it well.

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After that, when the vinegar boils, add the cut eggplants. and boil it. After it boils, keep it separate and add the green chillies, onian remove it in less than a minute when it turns green and keep it separate.

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Keep an earthen pot on the stove and add about two tablespoons of coconut oil and let it heat up. When the oil is hot, add garlic and fry until golden. Then add curry leaves, chili powder, turmeric powder, tomato paste and mix well.

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Then we add boiled eggplants, onions, green chillies and mustard paste and mix it. Fry it for about 2 minutes and remove it from the heat.

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So this delicious eggplant pickle can be served to any dining table. And this is prepared in a brand new way, a recipe that can be added to various festive occasions as well as to the whole family. And it can be preserved for about a week. If you want to preserve it, put it in bottles that have been sterilized. You can also enjoy pickle this way. give it a try. So I'll say goodbye for today until we meet again. I wish you all a very good day.

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Eggplant pickle...such a nice recipe 😀

Thank you dear.

You're welcome 😁