Fried sweet potato and lemongrass tea (village recipe)

I really like the food and drinks that are synonymous with rural areas such as boiled sweet potatoes, fried bananas, boiled sweet potatoes and various drinks such as bandrek, cendol and many others that are synonymous with village food, maybe because I was born and raised with a village culture that is rich in rural atmosphere.

like today, I will introduce to my children the warmth of lemongrass tea which is delicious and nutritious to overcome colds, besides that I will also fry sweet potatoes, this dish is the right combination, because after eating sweet potatoes usually will often throw it away wind, because of that I also make lemongrass tea which is efficacious to overcome flatulence caused by food and drink.


In addition to ginger which is already known to warm the body, lemongrass can also help warm the body. let's take the lemongrass in the garden.



my son is very excited to help me make his lemongrass tea because he loves the taste.

first we clean the lemongrass, we remove the leaves and roots, we take the stem.


besides lemongrass, we also provide other ingredients, namely :

water 1200 mL
palm sugar 50 gram
lemongrass 10 sticks


how to make :
The first step: we clean the lemongrass stem and we only take the white part.


The second step: wash the lemongrass stalks then put the lemongrass stalks into the blender.



The third step: add 500 mL of water into a blender, then blend the lemongrass stalks until smooth.




The fourth step: strain the lemongrass water.


Don't forget to squeeze the pulp until the lemongrass juice runs out.


this is the lemongrass juice


The fifth step: add 700 mL of water into the lemongrass water.


The sixth step: put the palm sugar into the lemongrass water.


The seventh step: it's time to boil the lemongrass water until it boils


after boiling, then we turn off the stove and serve the lemongrass tea.



Drinking lemongrass tea isn't complete without a snack, let's fry the sweet potatoes.The ingredients we need to fry the sweet potatoes are:

600 grams sweet potato
rice flour 3 tablespoons full
1/2 teaspoon salt
cooking oil to taste (I used 400 mL)
water 75 - 150 mL (if you like the taste of crunchy sweet potatoes then you only need to add 75 mL of water, but if you don't want crunchy sweet potatoes, then you can make a dough that is not too thick, I used 120 mL of water).


How to make:
The first step: peel the sweet potato, use gloves or grease your hands with cooking oil when peeling the sweet potato because the sweet potato contains a lot of sap which causes our hands to stick and leave black spots after the sap dries.


Don't forget to remove the black part, after frying it tastes bitter.


The second step: wash the sweet potatoes clean to remove the sap that is on the sweet potatoes.


then cut according to taste, not too thick and not too thin because we don't make chips😂


The step three: add salt to the rice flour.


The fourth step: add water little by little to form the dough as we want.



The fifth step: put the sweet potato pieces into the flour mixture.


The sixth step:it's time to fry, heat the cooking oil. After the oil is hot, add the sweet potato pieces that have been given a flour mixture.



The seventh step: don't forget to flip the sweet potato fries so that they cook evenly.


After you feel that the fries are crispy and cooked, it's time to remove the fries, so they don't burn.


Don't forget to take the remaining flour that is in the oil so that the next fry doesn't burn.


fry until the sweet potatoes and the batter run out. After everything is fried, let's serve it while it's warm.


The sweet and crunchy taste of the sweet potato is so delicious, plus a glass of warm lemongrass tea makes the atmosphere even more intimate (because this dish is suitable to be served and eaten together with family and friends).


Please try this rustic food and drink recipe, if there is no rice flour you can replace it with wheat flour.

Best regard @umirais


Hi @umirais! I love this recipe! The taste of the yerba lemon is delicious, rewarding, refreshing, and the taste of the sweet potato fries is simply comforting, I like it very much. I think your post is very nice because you include the whole process of gathering some of the ingredients and preparing the dish. I have not tried the sweet potato in batter before frying, I will try to try it, because I always fry it directly in the oil, without previously passing it through any mixture. Happy new year 2022 and best regards.

thanks so much much friend @sirenahippie, I hope this year we are more creative to combine flavors🙏🥰🥰

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Thanks for support me @plantpoweronhive 🥰🥰😘

Yum! Got plenty of lemongrass in the garden. We like ours combined with pandan leaves. Not sure if it will go well with the fried sweet potato. Yummy afternoon treat for sure!

My son very like fried sweet potatoes 🥰🥰🥰

Yummy. That is a nice snack. I have never tried lemongrass tea and never seen it growing before. It must be a nice drink. Here it's mostly frozen these days.

Thanks for sharing.😊

Woou, I imagine drinking a glass of lemongrass while looking at the snow from the window,make lemongrass tea to treat bloating my friend @carolynstahl

@umirais que delicia tu receta, así de sencilla y saludable.
En mi País Venezuela le llamamos al limoncillo -malojillo- y su sabor es divino,
en combinación con estas batatas fritas para una merienda es estupendo.
Que maravilloso tener tu huerto y con el permiso de madre tierra tan bondadosa preparar tus maravillosas recetas.

@umirais what a delight your recipe is, so simple and healthy.
In my country Venezuela we call lemongrass -malojillo- and its flavor is divine,
in combination with these sweet potato chips for a snack is great.
How wonderful to have your garden and with the permission of mother earth so kind to prepare your wonderful recipes.

thanks for you information about “malojillo” @aguamiel