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RE: My Treasury of collectibles - in my cottage

Yeah thanks, but when you get to his age- with so many aces and pains and emotional pain like he was experiencing after the death of Mum 6 years ago, it's a blessing in disguise for him. And now he's with mum again, so we're happy that he is happy now.

And yes, you're so right, it has been great to be able to come back to Hive and reconnect with everyone, I do miss it and I miss everyone in the community so much when I'm away from it- especially after being here 4 years in July...

I find that Hive it a bit like an chocolate addiction but not as fattening, I can't stop thinking about it when I'm away and can't get enough of it when I am here! 🤣

And I do have sooo many plans to travel- and soooo many places that I want to get to, Serbia definitely being one of them AND it's not too far away from Croatia is it! 😜🤣
So you just never know! 😃

But in reality, it all depends on the financials and I can't see them being enough to take me to Europe this year, but probably next year and next year is only 6 months away..and that will fly by (again..)

My lease is up in Feb, so who knows....