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RE: Top Trumps: A nostalgic collection

This is such a cool game and I do so vaguely remember something like this when I was a kid. Maybe my older brothers used to play it...not sure but here's a vague recollection there...

But what a brilliant game and I could really see kids playing this game today too.

Whatever you do, don't lose them or give them away, they are too precious in memories, collectible value and also they possibility that you might be able to inspire. resurgence of the game!


We should have a blockchain-based version of it. How awesome to play online would it be


That is such a brilliant BRILLIANT idea!

OMG! imagine a global game of Monopoly on Hive!

OMG! Imagine all our fave board games digitised and gamified by Hive @jarvie @asgarth-dev what do you guys think eh!?!?!?!?!?

I would absolutely play!

I wonder the reason why nothing like that has been created thus far. Unfortunately I'm tech dumb to even try to create anything hahaha

Haaa yes me too unfortunately!

So let's keep planting the seeds and hopefully some brilliant developer somewhere will see the benefit of our ideas!