
I did. And you to know, I was quite tired (no, no, not from the post but in general as it was late evening here and we were in the mountains in the afternoon where I had a little freestyle falling exercise so now I am bruised 🤦🏻‍♀️😂) but I stayed with the Réis, Cruzeiros, Centavos, silver, nickel, bronze, aluminium, Cruzados, Reals, underwear 🤭😂 . I hope that after the photo session and history lesson the content of the red tea caddy will not be lost/stolen.

Thiefs always steal the coolest things. They are specialist in that!

I had a little freestyle falling exercise

A freestyle falling exercise? 🤣 Aka, a little fight against gravity? And gravity won. Sry, I shouldn't laugh. Are you ok?

Gravity always wins in such situations 😂
Yep, I am ok 😇