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RE: Collection: One is not enough!

in Hive Collectors3 months ago

Leatherman! I was thinking about them the other day. It's one classic missing in the collection. I remember seeing a documentary many years ago about classic brands where leatherman was included among Plano (fishing box manufacturer) and other stuff.


I love my Leatherman. I actually only bought my first branded one a couple years ago. Before it was the cheap Walmart knockoffs, lol. But the Leatherman brand is certainly worth the money! Such awesome build. I love it. I have the Wingman which has a pocket clip so it just goes right in the pocket.

Oh, God! Here we go again hahahhaa
last time it was the Opinel... @riverflows couldn't stop bragging about hers, so I went ahead and bought one. Wait a few weeks and we'll have a Leatherman post on this blog.

You know you want one… 😂

Epic! Victorinox has a version of those, but you know, diversification they say xDDD

Oh I am Leatherman for life after this one.