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RE: My stamp collection/ Mi colección de estampillas

in Hive Collectors4 months ago

For me it is a great treasure, there I read comments from young people who had never seen them in person, that impressed me. I always show them to my children. I love seeing them. It's a shame you don't have your dad's, in the end that doesn't go with us to the cemetery, the ideal is to show them. I'm so sorry. It's good that you recognized some of them from many countries, really, I love them. Grateful for the support, a hug. @ph1102

Para mi es un gran tesoro, por allí leyó comentarios de jóvenes que nunca las vieron en físico eso me impresiono. Yo siempre se las muestro a mis hijos. Me encanta verlas. Lastima que no tienes las de tu papá, a la final eso no se va con nosotros al cementerio, lo ideal es mostrarlas. Lo siento mucho. Que bueno que reconociste algunos hay de muchos países en verdad, me encantan. Agradecida por el apoyo un abrazo