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RE: My Nephew's Soft Toy Collection

in Hive Collectorslast month

I’ve seen a couple of my favorites, your nephew sure loves soft toys, my favorite here would be Sonic. I especially love the fact that many of them are relatable from actual motion pictures. I own a soft toy myself, yet to make that a collection though (I think that would make my mum upset 😂).


Sekaniiiiiii what a pleasure to have you around here seeing this collection; I agree with you Sonic is great, plus this plushie is already famous here because he has taken the spotlight from me in some of my posts hahaha 😄!!!

Hey about your plushie you could show it in some post; my dear it was a pleasure to read you, we had time without coincidence 🌹💖. I send you a big hug from this side of the world and I wish you a happy and blessed weekend 🙏❤️... You Absolutely Rockkk!!! 👍😎🔥❤️

He definitely has that effect, the more I look the more adorable he looks 😂.

Oh yeah, you’ll meet my Sekidu soon, she’s so cute I must warn 😂. Yess, it’s been a while we conversed, I’m making note to be more intentional about this space so cheers to that 🥂. Hug received! Have a lovely weekend also 😊🎉🎉