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RE: What fueled my desire to understand other cultures?

in Cross Culture3 years ago

It’s the only country I had heard of where you could take part in 3 religions and not be questioned

I'm just learning this today, I didn't know the Japanese could do that. That's awesome.

The story about how you became interested in learning other cultures is inspiring. It's good to look outside what we already know, I find that a lot of people love to help when they see you are genuinely interested in learning about their culture.

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Japanese are generally not religious. They practice Shinto holidays, Christian weddings and Buddhist funerals. There are a few hardcore buddhists or christians but it’s rare. Most people have their own beliefs that are compatible with these three. Some believe in a single god, some in many many spirits and some in nothing and people generally keep it private.

Its one of the most religiously tolerant place in the world but many people aren’t very deeply faithful. It works for me because my personal believes are closest to Taoism but blend Buddhism Judaism, Christianity and others.

I am mostly just interested in people. Culture is a means of understanding them better so I always make an effort to understand, and you are right. It’s usually met well.