The journey into an institution of love without end: Celebrating My Friend on His wedding day

in Cross Culture3 years ago (edited)

Hi friends, am glad to be back on board after a full one week disengagement from active participation on the blockchain. i was off to witness, the journey of two becoming one and off cause as my bosom friend, publicly told the world that he has finally denied singlehood and have taken a life time decision to take a damsel for a wife and for ever. HAPPY MARRIAGE LIFE MR./MRS



Marriage is one of the most beautiful thing l have ever seen or heard about, just like a joke it all began but before you know it became an outstanding and the most beautiful event i have witness in my entire life.
This is one of the event that i have seen, even a man have spent all the money he has but will be willing to even borrow to spent and more so with joy and excitement, no matter what ever wants to make them not find joy, they will do all that is possible within their reach to arrest every ugly situation and then come out successfully.

  • The Bride in the makeup room
    this makeup artist is one of the best we found around the environment of the event, she is good in what she dose, and i must say that it was a job well-done. you will agree with me that this is a complete beauty transformation, i almost could not recognized my friends wife when I entered makeup room, I immediately remembered that some years ago some had told me that i am not hansom, i was not worried about it, that material time then i had to ask the makeup artist if something can be done about my face to make a some more senses. i don't know what the design is called but i must that she is good in what she does.


    This is the early hours of the wedding morning, the groom was awake early dressed and was already at the flat of the lodge were the bride stayed, though in the same guest house but in a different building, were we spent the night breaking the wedding morning.
    He was so curious, he could not wait, the joy and the excitement of take his wife home, drove him off his bed so early in the morning, i could see passion, joy, love and so much affection even in the mist of stress, He never was tired, i could see the pushing spirit , not interested in going up but always driven to a finish.


    Just few hours, after we have journeyed into the church for the solemnization process, a standing ovation was made in honor of my friend and his wife, to welcome him into the institution of no return and no graduation, the only institution were you have only two students without any professor lecturing them on what and how to graduate, the amazing thing about it also is that there is no graduation from the institution and the only manual for effective study is the holy book, BIBLE.
    a powerful sermon was presented to all that were in the auditorium by a beloved clergyman on GODS EXPECTATION IN A BLISSFUL UNION amongst many things that he said was one that i can not forget, He said that they both should be ready to work on each other, forgive and be ready to love and submit ton each other.

The officiating minister ask the groom not to recite any quote from an article or novel but to pour out his heart and present to his wife the vows as it flows from his heart. he began by calling her the names that he will be calling her at home and in public, I tell you, it was one of the most exciting experience have had in a long while.
the groom did it and same did the bride, after which the rings were welded into the fingers as a sign that there is a life time decision to love and care for just one soul as your own

image.png The groom injecting into the wife finger a token of love forever

image.png The wife also reciprocating to the husband a ring in return.

image.png ***This is it, she could not hold it than to let it burst out, see the joy and excitement, telling the single men and ladies in the auditorium, that the miss Doris formally known is now a grown woman with a certification of marriage and a ring as a token and now Mrs. Doris

    Finally the officiating minister have pronounce them husband and wife, so therefore what God has joined together let no man put asunder
    prayers and declarations were made, invoking upon the couple the blessings of marriage and the entire congregation, responded by saying AMEN.......

    The couple at this point have matched out to the pastors office, also with his parents for the signatories and the official documentation of the marriage right as constitution demands.










The day was a super-successful one, the joy was overwhelming, the weather was calm and clear, there was no challenge every one who traveled down from far and across board had a successful journey and all went back with joy. the joy was contagious, i contacted it and i have made up my mind to also begin the journey as early as next year by the special grace of God, and i know you, you and you will be there to back me up.

Once again thank you for standing by me, I really did miss you guys, am back for big time engagement, thanks for all the support from #crossculture, #hivenaija, #agriculturalmindset, I love you all, thanks again for stopping by my blog, i really do appreciate. stay safe as we engage, God bless you.

Rear camera Camon :
48 MP,
f/2.4, (wide),
PDAF + 2MP + 2MP,
(depth) + QVGA + AI
Quad LED flash,
HDR, panorama,
Front camera Camon
8 MP
Dual-LED flash,


he has finally denied singlehood

This made me laugh. Congratulations to you and to your friend! Marriage requires commitment and its not for everyone.

Are there different kinds of weddings there or different ceremonies. I know there are a lot of tribes from your place. Do other tribes still practice old ways of marrying someone? or adopted the modern way of wedding/marriages?

Thanks @Indaclara, except for the traditional marriage, there are no different wedding ceremonies in my place,
But truly he finally made up his mind to be committed to one forcever. Thanks for stopping by, bless you dear

What a beautiful couple! And the wedding dress and bridegroom's suit are awesome too! Congratulations to your friends, @ekotmordemy :)

It's was nice time running around for, him. Am looking forward to my own and l hope to have you right by me when the day comes by