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RE: "ADHD" as a blessing

Beautifully written. I resonate with you so much. I recently just got diagnosed (at 27!!!) and everything made sense to me now. I've always felt different and now I see why.

ADHD as a name I agree with it being incorrect. It should be called something else. HealthygamerGG on Youtube thinks ADHD is a disorder ONLY because of how society and the world works right now. If we are to live in the woods to hunt or whatever, that "disorder" is very very useful and a key to the tribe's survival. Nowadays, the world's demands is about working in a corporate job, sitting at an office... society thinks if you jump from one hobby/career/interest to another then you don't have commitment and you're seen as a bad person. I resonate with you saying we feel and see the colors around us better.. before my diagnosis, i have found that very annoying because I needed to focus on one thing but I hear one sound outside on the streets and I try to investigate lol. While I see it as a strength, it takes a lot of time to adjust (at least for me) to quit the thinking of me being lazy, disorganized, emotional, etc and focus on the positive sides.

I haven't read Gabor Mate's book but I have it here already. I just had to finish Dr Hallowell's ADHD 2.0 which I still haven't done so because... ADHD... lol